Last Author's Note (Get to know me)

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Good Evening, everyone! Sadly with things that keeps bumping with my schedule, I can't put out a proper chapter. I would like to apologize for that. I just want to say that your author here has had good things happening to him.

1. Your Author has became a varsity player in volleyball for his school.

Yes everyone, you've read that right. I'm actually glad I got in since my school is not only famous for its education, but also for sports. You might be asking what school is that? Well, I won't specify which, but I'm a libero (position in vball) for Ateneo. But, to keep my ''author'' life private, I won't specify which Ateneo I play for. My point being that, me being in 12th grade, and there were a lot of better players from Junior High and such. 

2. My life, for the first time, is bearing fruit. A sweet fruit at that...

My love life is blooming for the first time hahaha..Not yet in a relationship, but I feel like it's about to get there. I'm expecting too much? Maybe. But, I'm not afraid (I hope..) to take the risk.

And last, but not the least, I'd like to share to everyone my ''sexual preference'', but let's start with the basics.

Hello Everyone! I'm Christian or Junho. I'm currently 17 years of age, born on 2000. What do I look like? I'm 50 percent chocolate and 50 percent white chocolate. I'm half korean and half filipino. I don't have anything to brag about, apart from my face. People have told me that I looked good, decent, in their standards and whatnot. I mean I'm glad I was given a face like this by my parents, so is it bad to be proud of it?Oh by the way, I'm 5'7.  Well, anyways..

My sexual preference, is...both. Not much of a suspense, but yes I do go both ways. Confused in a way as I appreciate male more than female, but I'm attracted to female too. So i'm BI? Who knows. I'm confused af too.

Allow me to describe this ''special someone''. This person's name starts with J and holy sht do I need to describe how handsome he is? He WAY out of my standards, but his charms is making re-think. We both play volleyball and that's how it started developing. But, before we move on I would like to inform you guys that he is straight. He just got out of a 3-year long distance relationship. Hence, I took this opportunity to get ''closer'' than before. Don't want to jinx it so I'll stop here.

This is really the last, some of you might wander how many times I've mentioned or you've seen my other story too which mentioned volleyball. YES I'M A VOLLEYBALL FANATIC. Volleyball is life people!

To end this, I would like to inform everyone that I will have the remaining chapters up by next week so give me time to just fix some things and my schedule. I hope everyone is patient with me. Thank you and apologies for the wait!

-  Junho

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