Part 10- Luke's POV

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I just couldn't get my mind off Hal and everything that had just happened. Her body was perfect. Our sex was amazing. ....Just how was I going to tell her I had been a virgin before all of that? That she had been my very first... And that I couldn't ever let her leave now-- now that we had done it all... And because I loved her.

I had to clear my head for the show. I always get the most nervous before our gigs and this wasn't making it any better. We raced back to the lot to meet up with Cal, Ash, and Mikey. We found them making one last trip back to the van to get an extra pair of drumsticks. Ashton's always breaking his fuckin' drums.

"The hell you been?" Calum asked looking nervous yet relieved at the same time.

"We were..." Hal started.


"Dancing!" We spat out different things at the same time.

They gave us a confused look.

"Uhh, swim-dancing," Hal covered, "but, I mean, I don't even know what I'm talking about, I'm drunk!"

"Um?" Ashton mumbled, exchanging glances with the boys.

"Well, if you were swimming, then why aren't either of you wet?" Mikey questioned.

I scratched the back of my head, "Did I say swimming, I meant winning!.... Winning... at a game of fuckin' BINGO!!"

"You two had sex," Mikey crossed his arms across his chest, amused. I was glad it was dark because I was blushing like crazy.

"Pff, no!" Hal protested. "What's that?" Hal's not good at this at all. I shook my head.

"Five Seconds of Summer, on in five!" a voice boomed from the stage. I gulped.

"Shit guys, let's go!" Calum and Ash raced over to the stage. The crowd was starting to form.

Mikey gave us a knowing wink before he followed them, and I told Hal I had to go and that I'd see her from the stage.

"You'll do fine," she kissed me.

I made my way past the outskirts of the crowd onto the stage. The lights were dimmed. I assembled my guitar that was resting on it's stand and tested the tune. The crowd was getting thicker and Cal and Ash were setting up their guitars, too as I heard Ashton already making a beat.

"What song are we opening with?" I whispered to Calum.

"She Looks So Perfect," he shot back right before the same booming, anonymous voice blasted through the stage and flowed into the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome... Five Seconds of Summer!" Just then, all the lights flickered on and blinded the hell out of me. The crowd roared and I searched for Hal's face.

"Hi, we're Five Seconds of Summer and we just wanna thank you all for letting us be here tonight. The first song we're gonna be singing," I started into the microphone that blasted through every speaker, "is a song I'd like to dedicate to someone out there in the crowd tonight." I saw Cal shoot me a look out of the corner of my eye, but I ignored it. "This is for Hal," I said and I swear I heard Mikey chuckle as I pounded down on my guitar, playing the first few cords of She Looks So Perfect. The boys joined in, given my start had been a little unplanned and unexpected and I knew I'd get shit for it later, too.

"Hey- ey ey! Hey- ey ey! Simmer down, simmer down! They say we're too young now to amount to anything else! " I searched the crowd for Hal even harder but I couldn't see her.

"But, look around... We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now... If you don't swim, you'll drown, so don't move... Honey!"  I couldn't find her!

Oh, wait, there she was-- in the left front row. I couldn't find any other way to describe her, but that... "She looks so perfect standing there-"

Hope you guys are liking it cuz i like you <3

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