Part 34- Luke's POV

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I woke up the next morning draped over the couch in Calum's living room. I groaned in pain at the pounding headache that had woken me up. Ashton was sprawled across the neighboring couch snoring his head off. We were both still in our clothes from yesterday, and I was beginning to wonder how I had gotten back to Calum's house. I couldn't remember much of last night for the life of me.

I got up, wiped the sleep out of my eyes, and then stumbled into the kitchen to check the time. The little blinking clock on the microwave read 9:24 am and I groaned. I pulled out a chair from the kitchen table and sat down, throwing my head on the table. "Ouch," I mumbled.

“Pretty crazy night last night, huh bro?” I heard Calum chuckle from behind me in a sleepy voice.

I looked up to find him in yesterday’s clothes as well with a girl trialing behind him- the same one he had brought to the club last night. Her makeup was all smeared off her face and her hair was messy. She looked extremely unflattering. I couldn’t help myself from thinking that if Hal looked like that, she would still look beautiful.

“Dude, you were plastered,” the girl added before yawning.

I gave a small laugh, “I guess that would explain my huge fucking headache.”

“I’ll get you an Advil, mate,” Calum said yawning as well. Sometimes Calum hated me but other times he could be like a brother to me.

“Thanks,” I grumbled tossing my head back on the table. I sat there listening to the sound of the rattle of the pill bottle and Calum filling up a glass of water.

“Here,” he said moments later holding out a pill and a glass to me. I took it quickly and chugged the whole glass of water as both of them watched me as if they were amused. "I drove us all home last night." Calum finally said.

“Oh. Where’s Mikey?” I panted placing the glass of water on the table.

“He’s still upstairs with Maddie,” Calum shrugged as if I were to actually know who Maddie was.

“Oh,” I said running my fingers through my messy hair. That’s when I felt a hand on my back. I jumped in sudden shock and turned around to see it was Talia. How the hell was she still here? Why was she still here?

“Hey,” she cooed, taking a seat next to me as Calum and the girl disappeared off into another room as if they wanted to leave us alone.

“What are you doing here?”  I questioned her while rubbing my temples.

“I wanted to see how you were feeling about it in the morning,” she smiled and began to rub my back. It felt good but I didn’t bother to tell her.

“Feeling about what?” I spat becoming more annoyed with her by the second.

“You know…” Talia trailed off. “How it feels to,” she lowered her voice to a whisper, “not be a virgin anymore!”

My eyes widened and then suddenly I remembered a lot more from last night than I wanted to. I had had sex with Talia while I was completely hammered.

“What?!” I screamed so loud I heard Ashton wake up in the other room. I jumped up from the table as Calum ran back into the kitchen.

“You okay, man?” He inquired with concern.

I shook my head and my fists balled up with anger. “No!” I spat as my fist crashed down on the table. Talia jumped back in shock. “I can’t believe this! I can’t believe I…” I stopped myself from saying it as I watched Talia’s face fill with anger. “I need to get out of here.”

I dug my keys out of my pocket and quickly began to head towards Calum’s front door.

“Luke!” Talia chased after me with Calum trailing behind. “What the fuck did I do?”

“I just…” I ran my fingers through my hair again, “I gotta get away from you!” I let the truth slip out my mouth. At this point, Ashton had appeared behind the two to see what all the commotion was about. So did the girl who was with Calum earlier this morning.

“Bro, you’re still in no condition to drive,” Calum warned me.

“I don’t care!” I screamed back before opening the front door and slamming it behind me.

I heard the door open again just before I was about to get into my car. It was Calum. “Where are you going?” He asked peeking his head out the window. At this point I think he had finally decided to just let me go.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. Which was the truth.

the promise  ➳ hemmingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ