Part 32- Luke's POV

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"This place is siiiick!" Mikey boomed as we walked through the doors of the club. Everyone but me chimed along in agreement. Talia clung onto my arm and this time I didn't bother to shove her off.

Lights flashed and sweaty bodies rubbed up against each other on the dance floor. The good thing about this club was the fact the bar tenders didn't care enough to ask for ID.

I took Talia to the bar, ordering us both some shots despite the fact she seemed like the type of girl who could only handle "fruity cocktails."

"Here," I said handing her a shot. She took it and she made me cheers her for some unknown reason. Maybe the fact I wasn't will Haleigha this time. God, I missed her. I started thinking about her too much which led me to order another shot, almost forgetting Talia was with me. "Actually two please," I ended up correcting myself, giving a nervous smile to Talia.

After a few more shots, I was feeling quite drunk. I stumbled out of the stool I was sitting on, almost collapsing to the floor but I managed to keep my balance. Talia had stopped letting me order her shots after the fourth time in which I had gone on for five more rounds.

"Want to go on the dance floor?" She asked me in a flat tone.

"Sure, let's go," I slurred back as I followed her into the crowd.

It didn't take long for me to feel as if I was making a fool of myself with my drunken dance skills. Talia didn't seem to notice and started grinding up against me. I wanted to push her off but found myself letting her do it and even enjoying it. It felt good. Really good, and I hoped it was just because of the large amount of alcohol running through my veins that was practically throwing my judgement out the window.

"Wanna get out of here?" Talia cooed in my ear as the song ended.

"Yes," I groaned as she brushed her hands along the zipper on my pants. Yep, I had lost all sense of judgement by now and didn't want to worry about it right at the moment. Instead, I let Talia lead me to the back down several hallways into a dark, abandoned room with broken party equipment. She started taking off her clothes and I almost stopped her to tell her the only girl I wanted to have sex with was Hal. Almost.


Hey guys, I know this one was shooooort but it was very much intended to be. I can't wait for you guys to read the next few parts that I promise won't be as short.. Promise. See what I did there. No. Okay

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