열한 (11)

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tell me why you guys are the cutest and sweetest readers ever

pls marry me
like no joke guys

u guys are such precious angels and im almost to 600 reads and 200 votes because of you and its been like 6 days?? or a week

ya girl can't keep count (':

lemme side into the next chapter like im gonna do with all ur dm's❤


today was the day.

the day jimin would move to seoul.

the day he'd more than likely meet yoongi. he didn't want to bother the his elder and demand to see him that day, but thats exactly what he was going to do.

im coming today
be excited for me

im dreading this day, jimin

oh wow, ouch my heart

jimin dramatically clutched his heart, pretending to be hurt, even though he knew the boy couldn't see his actions.

im just dreading telling u what i have to say
its nothing against you

are you gonna confess your love for me finally lol

thats not funny
but get to packing
i need to see you

jimin hurriedly pushed all of his boxes towards the door, while the movers packed everything up and carried it outside to their van.

"im gonna miss this place even though i have no one." he sighed and placed his hands on his hips, taking in his condo one more time, inhaling the fresh air, before he left for good.

"we're ready!" one of the workers yelled, and jimin grabbed his car keys, pulled on his black hoodie, leaving the place he once called home, empty.

the drivers were in front of jimin, pulling along his furniture and other items, jimin followed behind, scared to get lost on the drive to seoul, it was the agreement they made before leaving.

jimin was jamming out to the radio, blaring it at its highest volume, trying to block out his nervousness that took over his body, and hid at every corner of him. waiting for him to slip up and come out of its depths.

he couldn't wait to see his beloved, fragile grandmother. jimin missed her homemade cooking and warm, tight hugs.

he missed her so dearly and knew she'd have a whole meal set out for him when he arrived and they would reminisce about the good days when jimin was just a child, not having to face everything he did now.

desperate 》yoonmin ✿ {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now