Chapter 1

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Kadie's p.o.v

"Okay guys I wanna surprise him he thinks we're all at Magcon." I said looking at the guys.

There's Nash, Shawn, Carter, Matt and Taylor. I see all them as my brothers, well Nash actually is my brother. I'm Kadie Grier(pronounced kade-y)and right now I'm surprising my boyfreind and my brothers best freind Cameron Dallas.

I've had a crush on Cam for years. Since I first met him 11 years ago. I was 6 at the time and he was 7,the same age as Nash.

I looked at the guys and they all nodded. See today is Cams' birthday and I wanted to suprise him. My poor baby is sick on his birthday so he had to stay at our apartment ( by ours I mean we all own it)

We are all standing outside of our apartment with a birthday cake and balloons.
I have a present for Cam it's not his actual present I'll give that when he's better. I have a collage of some of our pictures together in a frame.

It's about the size of an A4 page. I unlocked the door and we all walked up the stairs quietly. I heard Cameron talking. Oh he must be on the phone.....

I went closer to his door and slowly opened it. I only opened it a small bit when I heard a girl talk. What the hell? Why is there a girl in here?!?!. I looked at all the boys and they exchanged worried looks between each other. What is going on?

I went to take a step further to enter the room but Nash stopped me by holding my arm. I looked at him and he shook his head silently telling me not to go in. All the boys looked really worried now. Shawn closed his eyes tilting his head back letting out a breath. I shuffled out of Nash's grip moving closer to the door.

I shook my head at the boys and went in not paying attention to the many hands that tried to hold me back. What I saw broke my heart. Cameron and a girl kissing in their underwear. By the ruffled bed sheets I can guess what they were doing. They still didn't notice me or the guys.

I dropped the frame the glass shattering against the wooden floor. Both of them jumped apart and looked over at me and the boys, although Cameron's gaze was locked on me. I could feel tears running down my face slowly dripping onto my t-shirt.

Cameron stood up and moved closer to me with a look of regret his eyes filling with tears.

"kadie I can expl-" I cut him off before he could give me some stupid excuse "save it" my voice sounded shaky.

I took two steps back and turned walking out of his room and down the stairs. Why did this have to happen to me?

I went into the kitchen and stood with my back against the wall, closing my eyes I finally let my tears fall. I slid down the wall and pulling my legs into my chest.

I could hear the guys yelling at Cameron from here telling him how wrong he was.I felt so....numb. It was like my heart was ripped in two. I know what your thinking, you're young it doesn't matter you can move on but I loved him.....I still love him.

Truth is I have loved Cameron since I was a kid,crazy right?

I guess he didn't love me as much as I thought he did.

Edited the best I could 😃 although there could still be mistakes 😘❤️😍

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