Matches Malone

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I moved on to table 37 to see two young boys having a good laugh. The red-haired one had a green jacket and a yellow shirt with black cargo pants. He had deep green eyes and freckles sprinkled his cheeks. I recognized the other kid from somewhere. He has almost raven hair and dark blue eyes that just screamed danger. He was wearing a red hoodie and a pair of worn out jeans. He almost looked like he could be 16, but I could tell he was way younger, about my age even. I'm not surprised, kids "hitting the town" on a Friday night wasn't exactly uncommon.

His age wasn't the detail that caught my eye, but the gold watch on his left wrist. Man, he must be extremely rich to own something so valuable. I must have been staring too long because he raised an eyebrow and flashed me a smile. 

I shrugged it off and gave him an exhausted look. "May I take your order?" I inquired while hoping he would quit looking at me like that. 

"Three sodas, any kind is fine," the blue-eyed one replied smoothly.

Just soda? I'm actually kind of surprised it wasn't two cans of beer. They must be new in town.

 "And maybe you can join us," Bonfire over here, grinned and winked.

Now that got me pissed, I hated being treated like trash every day at work, but what should I expect in this uniform? I wanted to slap that stupid smirk off his face. I could feel the rage flow through my veins, but I kept my eyes locked and jaw clenched. At least, he wasn't as bad as the rest.

"In. Your. Dreams." I scoffed.

"It would be horrible if your boss got a complaint on customer service from Bruce Wayne's son. Don't you think?" Bossy Blue mocked.

Of course, Bruce Wayne's son! Bruce Wayne was only the richest man in Gotham, I'm such an idiot for not seeing the connection before. This boy may be annoying, but he had a point. I can't be rude to Penguin's customer, not after all he has given me. I can't have Ratty Raven snitching on me. Ugh, the rich and wealthy always get what they want; they aren't used to being turned down.

"One drink, that's it. Don't push your luck," I spat. Bondfire just smiled stupidly and Bossy Blue waved me off.

As I walked off I heard the boys laugh and glanced back to see them share a childish fist pump. I rolled my eyes, what kids. I walked back to the bar to pick up Thorne's order and saw Melody still mixing drinks like crazy. I picked up Thorne's special and another beverage that looked green off the counter. The glasses were cold to the touch as I placed them onto my tray and shivered.

"Look, there is a shipment coming in through the west docks. I'll get my guys down there by 12:40 AM to unload it and get the crates to the warehouse. All you have to do is pick it up before 8:00 AM, when the owners check in. Got it Malone?" he said in a hushed voice. 

Thorne's friend, Malone, only nodded in response. I could tell that Thorne probably had a gun on the inside of his jacket by looking at the bump in his suit coat. On the other hand, Malone was seemingly unarmed, without a gun. He must also be new in town, he'll learn to have one handy very soon.

What I was really wondering is what Malone is going to pick up from the warehouse? Who is  Malone anyways? My mind was a whirlwind of ideas while I gently placed the glass in front of Thorne's new pal. Trying not to draw attention to myself so that I could keep listening, I moved like a snail. I knew better than to stick my nose into other people's business, especially in Gotham, but my curiosity always won. From the day you were born here, you were taught to keep your head down and your thoughts to yourself.

Thorne straightened out. "Your shipment is in good hands and your investment will not go to waste."

"What about Batman? What do we do if he shows up or if he stops your men from getting my goods?" Matches Malone asked a little frightful. 

"Are you seriously telling me that you are worried about an idiot dressed up as a bat? If 'The Batman' shows up, my guys know how to use a gun. They'll take him out in a couple of rounds," Thorne laughed wickedly. 

Walking slowly, I offered Thorne's drink to the coaster lying in front of him. The party stayed for another five minutes while I served other tables. Thorne and his bodyguards paid and left along with the mysterious Malone. I walked back to the bar trying to comprehend what I just heard. I shook my thoughts from my mind; I had a job to do. I would concern myself with it later.

Walking back to the bar to check in on Mel, I remembered table 37 and internally groaned. I grabbed three sodas out of the cooler and headed toward the two bozos with three glasses in hand. Most of my section was emptying out anyways, and I couldn't let Bossy Blue squeal to Penguin. When I reached the table I poured the soda into the glasses with ice.

He kept talking to Bonfire, just some mindless chatter about their school lives. Neither of them touched the drinks after I had finished filling them.

Bonfire looked at his watch, "I'm so late, my mom is gonna kill me!" 

He frowned seeing that he was missing his opportunity to chat with me. I giggled a bit at the fact that he had to leave because he had a curfew. I haven't had one of those since I was five. He downed the glass of carbonated beverage in a matter of seconds and quickly walked out the door.

"Why don't you have a seat and tell me your name," the remaining boy stated (more than asked). 

The rich kid gestured to his missing friend's chair across from him. I carefully sat down not touching my glass either and studied his face. He had threatened me earlier to help his flirtatious friend talk to me. Now that he was gone, I didn't understand why Mr. Gold Watch was still interested. His eyes were overly confident, but there was a tint of genuine curiosity too.


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