Codename: Cygnus

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July 14.

I duck under the yellow caution tape. Batman and I search the crime scene as the police clear out for the day. We just got word that someone broke into Gotham's Museum of the Arts. It is the weekend, but you never stop working when you have my job.

You would think that after the police investigated the scene there wouldn't be anything left to see. That is never the case when it comes to Batman's detective sense. I 'activate' my detective senses too and get to work. There is shattered glass everywhere and almost everything in the Greek art section is gone. 

Commissioner Gordon told us that two officers were knocked out and that all security systems were shut down. The camera's feed before the security was shut down was deleted. Who ever the thief was, this was obviously planned well. The crime lab told us that the robber used a complicated knockout chemical powder. 

I walked into the Egyptian section where the first guard was knocked out and looked for any clues. I walked through the room and checked behind a support beam. There lying on the ground was a long white feather. There were no windows in the room so the feather must have came from the criminal. I pulled a plastic bag out of my utility belt and dropped the feather in as evidence. 

"Batman, I think I found something." I called.

Batman was behind me in a matter of seconds studying the feather.

"Where did you find this?" Batman questioned.

"Behind that support beam." I pointed to the pole, "There are no windows in here so this must be from the thief. The one thing I don't understand is why they would have a feather on them?" I thought out loud. This has Penguin written all over it, but he has stayed under the radar for quite sometime. Why would he come back out now?

"We need to take this to the cave." he said sternly.


"The feather belongs to a swan, a mute swan to be exact." Batman announced.

"This just screams Penguin, we should pay him a little visit." I suggested. 

"Right now, we need to head to Mount Justice. I have a new mission for you guys." Batman commanded. 

I sighed as we were taken away by the zeta beam.

"Robin B01. Batman 02." the zeta beam announced.

The team ran to Batman eager to hear about their new mission.

"You will be taking on Codename: Cygnus. Earlier today, Robin and I were investigating a break in at Gotham's Museum of the Arts. We found a white feather belonging to a mute swan. We believe that it has something to do with Penguin. We want you to investigate and find the robber."

Wally raises his hand, "Do mute swans talk? What does Cygnus mean? Why are-" he asks, but was stopped.

Batman gives him the 'Batglare' making Wally silent and uneasy. Batman walks back to the zeta beam without another word.

"Recognized, Batman 02." the zeta beam announces.

I hear Wally let out a sigh of relief. I can't believe Batman just did that. It was a minor criminal, probably harmless. This is just busy work, and I am sick and tired of it. I was also mad at Batman for giving us this mission. Gotham villains like Penguin were our thing! It was so called 'bonding time', but clearly Batman didn't think so.

I get a message on my wrist computer. I opened it up, it is from Batsy, great. I mentally roll my eyes and read the message.

"You need to let the team into your life." it read.

"Well, since Robin was at the crime scene and knows Gotham the best, I am letting him take te lead on this one." Aqualad announced.

I almost choked on the cookie I got from M'gann after the Big Bat left. Me, the leader? Of course it was the most logical choice to put me in charge for this mission. But could I be a leader? I looked at Aqualad, but he looked serious.

"If you think it's for the best." I agreed.

"So Boy Wonder, where to first?" Artemis asked, anxious to get out of the hideout.

"As Batman said, we think that Penguin is involved. We should head there first to see if we can get any information." I explain.

We hop in the Bioship just in case we need a quick get away. The zeta tubes would take too long to get to in an emergency.  As we fly to Gotham M'gann links us telepathically. Wally is ranting about being hungry and arguing with Artemis over the link. Aqualad lightly yells at Wally to shut up and then we reach my home, Gotham. 

We have known where Penguin has been, but we didn't bother him since we had bigger problems to deal with. He hasn't committed any crimes lately, so I was curious as to why he started again.

We steak out on top of the buildings surrounding the Iceberg Lounge. We didn't wait long because a young girl with brown hair walked up to the lounge. She looked up, and it seemed she was staring directly at me. She shouldn't be able to see my from all the way down there, right? She unlocked the lounge door slowly and turned around at looked at building Aqualad was hiding on top of, but she shouldn't be able to see him either.

(Words in * * means that they are said over the telepathic link.)

*Robin?* I hear Artemis' voice in my head.

*I want M'gann, KF, and Artemis to change and go in as regular humans. Superboy and Aqualad meet me at the back entrance. I don't think you would be very convincing humans.* I instructed.

I crept across the buildings roof and jumped down in front of the back door. The building was only 3 stories so I landed with ease. Aqualad and Superboy came out from the shadows to join me. Just then we heard the door handle rattle. 

*Hide. Now!* I yelled.

We all ran to the shadows for cover just as the door swung open. The girl walked out with a garbage bag. I recognized the girl from the night at the lounge and from the cemetery! She must be here for work. She looked right into the shadows, staring at me, but she shouldn't be able to see me.

She threw the bag into the dumpster and walked back into the lounge. 

*That was close.* Aqualad states.

*Too close.* I agree as I come out of the shadows. 

*Scrap the mission. Meet back at the Bioship, we are going back to Mount Justice. I have a plan.* I command.


It was only 3 stories high, no biggy. XD This was kind of a long chapter, feel free to take a break.



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