Our Little Robin

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School is about to start and I am dreading it. At my middle school I stayed under the radar avoiding attention at all costs. It sucked. I may act confident as Robin and outside of school, but in school my goal was to be invisible. You have no idea how hard it is to go unnoticed when your father is Bruce Wayne. The worst part of school is the bullying.

I am not constantly bullied, so I guess I wouldn't call it real bullying. It is just when the bullies need some entertainment they pick on some random kid. That random kid has been me a few times, but I feel bad for the kids who have to deal with it constantly. The annoying thing about the bullying was that I could't fight back. I would have to endure the beating of a kid who I could probably kill in a matter of seconds if I wanted too.

Beside school, one another thing has been on my mind lately. I just can't stop thinking about my parents, I miss them. I haven't visited in a while. Bruce is probably busy in the Batcave so I leave a small note so that he doesn't worry. I change into some civies and head out. 

I grab my bike since it is a little ways away and start pedaling. The warm june breeze blows against my face and ruffles my hair. I take it all in. Being Robin doesn't really leave time to enjoy the simple things in life. I slow down as I approach my destination, the cemetery. I lock my bike up against the gate entrance. 

The smell, the sounds are all too familiar as I walk down the gravel path. I walk into the grass careful not to step on any plaques or flowers until I reach two graves sitting side by side. I kneel down in front of them, all thoughts clearing from my head. My mind is empty except for the vivid memories.


We are on the road again in our train cart. I never get tired of sticking my head out the window and smelling the greenery. The sun shines on my face as we race past hundreds of pine trees. I duck my head back into the cart to see a man with a build and a women with a smile plastered on her face. They are both looking at me with love in their eyes, my parents. 

"Where are we stopping next?" I ask anxiously.

"Gotham City, we are supposed to have a full house tonight." Dad responded, his mouth turning into a smile.

When we arrive we start setting up the tent on the outskirts of the big city. A man from the annoying insurance company walks into the equipment room. Why was he here and what was he doing in the equipment room? I was about to go investigate when Dad called me. I changed into my new performing costume, a tight red suit with an 'R' on it.

"Why is there an 'R' on my costume?" I ask curiously.

"When we see you flying up their on the trapeze you look like a little robin, our robin." she said engulfing me in a hug. 

I wiggled out of the hug playfully. I didn't understand that was the last hug I would even get from my mom. 

"We are going to be on soon." Dad announces. 

We climb up the think poles as the act before us finishes up. My heart is racing, there is nothing I love more then performing with my family. Once the act below finishes the spotlight moves up the poles landing on our family.

"Welcome the Flying Graysons, who will performing without the help of a safety net." the ringleader announces. 

We wave to the crowd as the music starts to play. Dad jumps off the stand, trapeze bar in hand and flies across the room. It's mom's turn as she does the same with another trapeze. They both flip upside down and hang onto the bar with their legs. She meets Dad in the middle during the second swing and grabs his hands and lets go of the other bar. The crowd cheers, until everything went wrong. 

The ropes snap, and I watch my parents fall to their death. I scream out in pain as the crowd screams with me. I curl myself into a ball not wanting to believe what I just saw. I want to wake up from this nightmare, I cradle myself. My eyes are stinging from the tears from falling from my eyes. They're gone, is the only thought running through my mind, and it's all my fault. 


"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me. Don't worry Bruce is taking good care of me. I miss you," I sad smile forms on my face, "I will never forget you. School is starting soon and I am still saving the world as your little robin. I wish you were here to see that. I am hanging in their and am staying strong for you." I whisper. 

I know they are listening somewhere. I sit there a little bit longer in silence until I hear whispering behind me. I turn around and see a girl my age, she looks familiar, but I can't place my finger on it. She is sitting in front of a grave with watery eyes, but refuses to let a tear fall. 

Hello Robin, I think to myself. I have been spending way too much time around M'gann. I recognize that face, somewhere deep in my memory I remember that girl from the Iceberg Lounge. What was her name again? Katie? Kat? Ugh I can't remember. I want to help her, she looks so...so vulnerable. She obviously needed someone to comfort her, she seemed like she could use a friend. I was about to get up and walk to her when I was distracted.

"Search the area, I know she is here." says a distant voice.

I looked in the direction the voice came from and looked back at the girl, but she disappeared. I sat there for a little while longer, enjoying the peace I felt here with my parents. I stayed until the very last possible moment before I had to start heading back to the manor.


Please stay whelmed while I try to get more action into this book. :/



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