Mystery Waitress

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It has been a long day of training. Today was Mr. Freeze and I was tried from all the memorizing and mixing. I walk back to the Iceberg Lounge, but I have this strange feeling that someone is watching me. I look at the building in front of me and behind me. I guess I am just paranoid after my first heist. I unlock the doors and walk into the lounge. 

Saturdays are almost as crazy as Fridays. I need to take out the garbage before we open or else the trash will be overflowing. I grab the black plastic bag filled with trash and head out the back door to the dumpster. I walk out, but then I feel that weird sensation of someone watching me again. I try to look into the shadows to see if anyone is there. 

I sigh to myself, quit being paranoid. I head back inside to change into my waitress outfit. I walk back into the lounge and start wiping off the tables. Melody walks in and I wave. We haven't been as close lately because I can't risk anyone getting to close and finding out my other life behind the mask. She sets up the bar getting ready to mix drinks again. 

I finish up wiping the tables and by then it is about 9:00 PM. The guest start arriving as I blast music from the speakers and turn on the dance floor. I start waiting tables, it's the usual crowd. It's my job to remember everyone's name and face. I am called all over the lounge, running and serving as fast as I can.

I walk with my notepad in hand over to table 49, one of the big booths. There are a group of teens who all look to me. There is one fair skinned boy with a tight black t-shirt showing off his muscles, another boy with dark skin wearing a blue sweatshirt, two girls one with red hair and the other with long blond hair both wearing plain t-shirts and jean shorts, and a boy with red hair and freckles in a baggy t-shirt. There is also a boy with almost black hair wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, the last two look familiar, but I can't place my finger on it.

"Is this your first time here?" I ask politely, but I am really curious. I don't recognize any of them except maybe for the black and red haired boys.

"Uhhh, yes this is our first time." the red head blurted out.

"Are you ready to order?" I scream over the music.

This time the black haired boy answered, "Yes, get us all a beer."

I wrote down '6 beers' in messy hand writing. I walked into the kitchen and dug through the icy cooler.



"Real smooth Wally." I say sarcastically.

"I didn't know what to do! I have never been undercover in a club before." KF almost screamed.

"She didn't ask us for an I.D., I know we don't even look close to 21." M'gann said confused.

"I agree, this is a little concerning. The waitress looked like she could be his age." Kaldur stated nodding toward me.

"And you live here?" Superboy asks.

"Welcome to Gotham, the most crime ridden city in the country." I gestured to the rest of the room, "Most kids between the ages 12-19 smoke, drink, or do drugs." I said casually.

I leaned against the back of the booth putting my arms behind my head. I looked at Wally's shocked face and M'gann's worried looks. I sighed, they have never been to a club before.

The waiter came back with 6 cans of beer and slid them across the table to each one of us. I grabbed mine with ease and so did Artimice, Superboy, and Aqualad. The unexpecting M'gann juggled the can in her hands until finally getting a firm grip on the can. 

Wally wasn't paying attention and was forced to use his super speed in order to keep the can of beer from spilling all over him. It was a small movement, but it was extremely quick. The waitress looked at KF funny, but she just shrugged. That's probably not the craziest thing she has seen here so I wouldn't blame her for ignoring it.

*Nice going Baywatch.* Artemis scolded.

"I'm sorry for asking, but do I know you two?" the waitress asked looking at me and Wally.

Crap! I can't have her remember my name or else she will reveal my secret identity to the team. Batman's words replay in my mind, 'You need to let the team into your life.' I will one day, but I am not ready right now.

"It's also my first time." I say trying to be smooth.

"Why don't you join us?" M'gann blurted out.

I face-palmed. Note to self: never bring the team undercover in Gotham. But M'gann did have a point, we could possibly learn more about Penguin's association with the crime last night.


Face-palm XD



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