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I can't believe it actually worked. I just lied through the Lasso of Truth, well partially. I could do a happy dance right now. I have been wanting to try my theory for a while now, so I guess there is no better time than the present.

It was hard to hide the pride in my eyes. The best part about the whole situation was the shocked faces of the sidekick team. I smirked, not being able to help myself, and tried to stay calm.

"We still have one more thing to try." Aqualad announced.

He looked at Miss Martian, also known as M'gann. M'gann was a white alien from Mars. She was treated horribly and that's why she came to Earth. I pretty sure the rest of the team doesn't know it yet, so I could use this information to blackmail her.

I brought myself back to the real world and looked at M'gann. She floated over and landed in front of me. She looked at Aqualad unsure.

"This is a complete invasion of privacy shouldn't we get her consent first." M'gann asked.

"She is a criminal, we don't need her 'consent'." Robin explained.

I glared at Robin with my jaw clenched. He didn't know what it is like being Penguin's puppet. He didn't know and there was no way I could tell him. He looked at me unfazed and shrugged his shoulders, ignoring my death stare.

"I still think it -" M'gann started.

"You have my consent." I cut in.

Miss Martian wasn't trained as well as Martian Manhunter in mind reading. I could easily get around her prying mind. Don't get overly confident, I told myself. I had to stay focused and keep my mind clear.

M'gann placed her hand on my forehead and I closed my eyes trying to concentrate. There was a way around her mind reading. She could only see images of my thoughts, but not actual facts or words. I placed images of cute bunnies over thoughts. Hey, just because I am a criminal doesn't mean I can't have a sense of humor.

I felt a drop of sweat roll down my forehead. Resisting her mind reading required a lot of energy. I had to stay focused on the covering images to stop my real thoughts from being seen.

"I only see... bunnies." M'gann announced questioningly.

The way she said it was hilarious. I let out a quick laugh, but then covered my mouth. I coughed a few times and looked at the team. They obviously weren't as amused.

"Wait, I found something." she said concentrating hard.

My head became fuzzy and ached. I let out a groan, but held my pictures up. She was a lot more powerful than I had expected. All of a sudden, some of my memories flashed into my mind. Nothing too informal, since I still had some control. The only option I had left was to scare her out of my mind with my memories.

I let go of my fear of glass. I imagined glass bottles shattering everywhere and the glass surrounding me. This relieved some pressure from my brain because I gave up a part of my memories. It must not have been scary enough for her, so I pondered what she was afraid of. I was feeling light headed and I was having trouble keeping in control. Then the perfect memory came into my though stream.

I remembered the time I was up late working on my schoolwork. There was a single candle in the room with none of the lights on, since I couldn't use any electricity. I was quietly working, when all of a sudden, I heard a person walk into the room. Their body was engulfed in the darkness, but they slapped the candle over in rage lighting my homework on fire. 

The contents on the marble table lit ablaze. M'gann being frightened by the sudden appearance of her worst fear jumped back and I could no longer feel he tough in my brain. I sighed in relief and let my mind relax. 

"What's wrong M'gann? Did she hurt you?" Connor demanded to know.

"I saw glass shattering all around her, then the memory switched. It depicted a figure walking into a dimly lit room. They smacked a candle over on a table covered with paper. Then, the next thing you know, I-I was surrounded by fire." she cried.

"You'll wish you never did that!" Superboy yelled.

He charged at me, but it took all of the Team's members except for cry M'gann to hold him off.

"Look, it's been nice meeting you all, but I have to go." I say sarcastically.

"Ya right, where are you going in such a rush?" Robin shot back struggling to keep Blockhead under control.

"My ride should be here any - " I was cut off.

One of the locked down doors was blown to bits. The explosion was loud as it shook the entire room. I had a tracker in my mask, so that Penguin could find me wherever I went. He told me that if I were ever to be captured he would be able to pick me up with in three hours of my capture.

Penguin was very paranoid when it came to these types of things. He always had a back up plan, making sure every step was planned out perfectly. Most people just take him as a petty criminal, but he really is a mastermind.

While the debris was still distracting the Team I jumped out of the opening. Under me was a huge body of water. I dived into the ice cold water and swam back to the surface for a breath of air. I quickly pulled my head back in the still water and opened my eyes. The water stung my eyes, but I kept them open looking around.

I spotted a black submarine a few yards away. I took one more breath from the surface and swam to the submarine. My body was already sore, but I kept pumping my arms and legs in sync. My lungs started to burn as a hatch opened on top of the sub and I swam inside.

The water started to drain from the enclosed room and I gasped for breathe. The door opened to the sub's main chamber and I walked in.

"Welcome home. Silver Swan, was it not?" Penguin smiled unnaturally.


Can I just be the first to say, CREEPY! I hope the explanations made sense.



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