Disaster Duty

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"Robin B01." the zeta beam announces.

"Hey Robin, I made some cookies! Want some?" M'gann said excitedly.

 "I think I'll pass, I just had breakfast." I responded. 

"Oh come on, you know you want one." she tempted. The cookies smelled amazing and they were perfectly golden brown on the edges. One cookie wouldn't hurt, right?

"Ok fine, just one." I gave in and took one.

I bit into the cookies crunchy outside and then bit into the soft middle. The dough and chocolate melted right into my mouth. M'gann was the best baker I have even met. That's saying something considering I have had Alfred's chocolate cake. 

"Where are the others?" I ask while finishing up my cookie.

"They are in the training room. Everyone is here except Wally." she informed while rolling her eyes. 

Wally was always running late. A kid with super speed, you would think he would always be on time. I sat on the couch and turned on the news waiting for Wally to show up. A few robberies in Gotham, but nothing the local police couldn't handle. I feel like all the cities have been silent and I'm growing suspicious. And no, I am not paranoid.

"Kid Flash B03." the zeta beam announced. 

"I smell cookies!" Wally yelled while speeding to the cooling cookies, "Chocolate chip my favorite! I love you babe." he said while reaching for a cookie.

"Hands off." M'gann slapped his hand, "You can have some AFTER everyone has had one." she said sternly.

Me, Wally and M'gann walked to the training room while M'gann lifted the hot pan without even touching it. When we reached the training room we saw Superboy and Aqualad throwing punches at each other. They immediately stopped when they smelled the cookies. We may be crime fighting superheroes, but we were still teenagers. The rest of the team ran up to the floating pan and grabbed a few cookies each and gulped them down.

"Woah, woah, woah! Slow down, don't eat them all. You have to save some for me!" Wally cried looking worriedly at the cookies. 

"You're telling us to slow down, speedster?" Artemis laughed.

Once everyone had got there share of cookies Wally looked at the pan where the cookies once were. There was only one left. He groaned and hung his head as he took the single cookie and wolfed it down.

"Batman 02." called the zeta beam.

Everyone ran to Batman eager to know what the next mission was. I was getting kind of excited too. We haven't gotten any huge missions yet, and we were hoping this was the one. Batman simply walked in and pulled up the news on the hologram. I saw tornado's, hurricanes, and fires. Great, disaster duty, I mentally rolled my eyes. This is all to keep us busy! When are they going to give us a real mission, I was getting sick of the Team being treated like cleanup crew. Wally was the first to complain. 

"Again? You can't be serious Batman. We've done disasters all week! When are we going on our next real mission?" Wally whined. 

"Nothing huge has come up that the Justice League can't handle. I assure you something will come up soon." he explained simply and left.

"Ugh, when are we going to get a real mission? And when are they going to realize we aren't kids anymore?" I stated with an edge to my voice.

"I'm sure the League has it's reasons." Aqualad reasoned, though I could heard a hint of doubt in his voice.

"I guess we will go in the teams we used yesterday. Aqualad and I will take the fires, KF and Superboy tornadoes and earthquakes, and Artemis and M'gann all other natural disasters." I said.


I like Young Justice so much better than Teen Titans.



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