Not A Word

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I had a mission with Batman today and I was so excited. I know it's not some huge battle, just some drug dealers, but I always enjoy time spent with Bruce. I headed to the dinner table were dinner was already cooked and Batman was already sitting down. I sat down and we were about to dig in, but then Alfred stopped us.

"Master Dick, Master Bruce, aren't you forgetting something. This is a family dinner, where are your manners." Alfred said in a kind, but firm voice. 

No one messed with Alfred, not even Batman had the guts to take him on. We quickly ripped off our masks and set them under the table. We both looked to Alfred for approval. He nodded once and we all started eating. Alfred made family dinner mandatory, so that we could talk as a family. Bruce and I didn't talk yet because we were waiting for Alfred to ask the question.

"So, how was your day Master Bruce?" Alfred asked.

"It was quite the adventure. We stopped an alien from controlling the minds of the people in Star City. We tracked him down, but I think there are more of them. I'm going to look more into it before Dick and I leave tonight." Bruce said trying to hide the interest in his voice. Family dinner might sound cheesy, but I think it brings out the kid in Bruce, something very rare.

"Master Dick?" Alfred turns the attention to me.

"Disaster duty, again." I commented annoyed.

"You may think that disaster duty is boring, but think of all the lives you are saving. It may seem small to you, but the people you saved today will be forever thankful." said Alfred spreading his wisdom.

I guess he did have a point this time. I saved a lot of lives today even if it seemed small. Alfred always knew what to say. I mean he was the guy who had to raise Bruce, so he must be extremely wise. I still could help the fact that the rest of my team still felt let down.

I finished my dinner and brought my dish to the sink. I dashed down to the Batcave beating Bruce, ready for our mission. The problem was that the mission was at 12:40 AM and it was 7:00 PM. I hated waiting, but know what Batman would say, 'Waiting is 99% apart of being a super hero.' He would say 'Patience is key, everyday as a superhero is a test of your patience.' or some other wise quote on waiting and patience. I went to sleep and set the timer to 12:00 AM.


Finally, 12:00 AM, I think to myself as I click the alarm clock off and head to the grandfather clock. I grab my mask and head to the Batmobile. I jump in waiting for slow, old Batman to hop in too. He opens the hidden cave door and we jolt forward. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins and a big smile appeared on my face. 

We sped down the highway until we reached the west docks. We parked the car, well not really parked. We hid the Batmobile behind a stack of rusty, orange shipment creates and hopped out. We set up watch on top of a few wooden crates to blend in. 

The best thing about working with Batman was that we never had to speak a word to each other. We knew exactly what we were doing, no explanations needed, not like when I am with the Team and have to keep in touch all the time. I look at the time, 12:15, great. Now back to waiting.


I never knew how fun writing could be!



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