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School was growing closer and closer everyday and I grew stressed and more stressed everyday. I wasn't stressed about the work load or being in a new school. What I was really stressed about was handling the training, waitress job, and still finding time for school. I got my uniform in the mail, but I haven't even opened the package. What I was really worried about was keeping my cover.

I tested into the school and made it in. Not to boast or anything, but I have always been smart. I wouldn't say school is enjoyable, but it is relaxing. Whenever I'm down, school forces me to think about solving problems and doing homework.

I was really good at math, in the best class or whatever, but it always took forever to complete my homework. Time that I now don't have to spare. Science was interesting and I liked it because information was constantly changing and there was always something new to learn. The subject is mostly in class work so I'm not worried about the homework load. History was also fun to learn, I enjoyed learning about the past and other people's lifestyles. And then there was Reading, L.A., Writing, or whatever you call it. We all know that basically all the homework they give us is busy work. As long as we know how to read there is really no need for this class. The homework load might be heavy, but it will be easy. 

I have to do well in all my classes or else teachers will start asking questions. Since I did so well at my old school, this new school is probably expecting the same kind of performance. Of course, Penguin lied to the school to make sure that they didn't know I suddenly disappeared for the last 5 months of school. I am obviously going to take two study halls to get all my homework done before I go back to my rotten cage. I am forced to take a language so I am just going to do French because I heard it was super easy. 

School aside, the training was going... well. 


"Do I really need to learn gymnastics? I thought the Dynamic Duo just used them to show off." I complained rolling my eyes.

"Gymnastics could really help you get out of tough situations. Just wait, you'll see, these skills will come in handy if you are going up against Batman and Robin." Catwoman assured.


"Do I really need to learn how to mix chemicals? How is this even going to help me take down Batman and Robin?" I whined.

"It will come in handy when you need a way to stop an enemy without killing them. Certain gasses and liquids can help you in these situations." Mr. Freeze explained.


"Are we done playing with these stupid escape rooms and mindless puzzles, I am getting bored." I sigh.

"In order to be a sharp criminal you must have a sharp mind. Brain and brawn, always remember that." Riddler lectured.


"Learning to use mind control is completely useless!" I exclaimed.

"Never under estimate the ability of the mind. Plus, you'll need it in order to control you birds." the Mad Hatter advised.


Penguin knew how to pull strings and negotiate deals. Catwoman was in it for the money and priceless jewels. Mr. Freeze was promised a few new chemicals shipped in to perfect his suit. The Riddler wanted the new challenge of training me to expand his knowledge. The Mad Hatter liked the idea of total control over me. Hatter also wanted some rare feathers for his new hats that were constantly destroyed by the Dynamic Duo. I was worked to death, nonstop, 24/7. I have been training with Gotham's worst villains for two full months now. 

I have been going under the name Emily Jackson with my mentors, so that they won't know I am related to Penguin. None of the criminals cared anyways about who I was, or what I was being trained for. As long as they got what they wanted nothing else really mattered. I guess that's the mind set of all criminals and villains alike. They may have different motives, but they all only care about what they get out of it. So I guess you could say all criminals are just determined people, well in an evil kind of way. We had to tell Catwoman my real name because there was no use in lying since she knew where I was being kept due to my training sessions.

Penguin has finally started to trust me again and leaves the cage unlocked. He even lets me visit Catwoman to train, every now and then. He says he has something big planned, a new heist. He hasn't put me on any missions yet allowing me to have time to train. You would be surprised on how much you can learn in two months if you only sleep for 6 hours a day. What is even worse is the meals Penguin gives me. Fish, uncooked fish to be exact. I have to cook it myself because I refuse to eat them uncooked like Penguin does. He gives me other food just so that I have enough energy to get through the day.

I try to look on the bright side of things. There is always hope no matter what situation your in. There is always a way out. You can overcome anything you set your mind too. Right? The optimism was starting to wear off as reality started to kick in. 


Can you relate to Kayo's/my school rant? 



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