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June 6.

It has been about one month since my package pickup mission. Penguin wanted me to say under the radar until the whole thing had blown over. I have been training non stop since then while still doing my job at the Iceberg Lounge. It's all been quite tiring, but nothing I can't handle. Today, I shut out all the distractions, I'm breaking out today. Ya, it sounds crazy, but I have to do something and I know for a fact Penguin won't let me. It's midday and Penguin is off running his 'errands'. Penguin doesn't lock the cage or the hallway door anymore, he trusts me now. 

Big mistake. I quickly get into some regular clothes, changing out of my training outfit. I don't take anything with me, I don't need anything where I am going. I walk into the chilly Iceberg Lounge, but I have gotten used to the cold. I use my key to unlock and re-lock the lounge once I am out the door. I know exactly how to get there, it's been imprinted into my brain after visiting so many times. I keep walking at a quick pace until I reach my destination, the cemetery.

I walk through the open gates and walk down the gravel path. The cemetery is quiet and empty. I slow down as I approach the grave. I kneel down before the stone, that I have visited so many times. 

'Annmarie Margret Cobblepot' were the words carved deep into the grave stone. My mother, I was 9 year-old when she left us, left me. On this very day she was taken from my life. She was an air force pilot for the army. She died in battle while fighting aliens, or that's what they told us. The government never told us the full details of the battle that went down that day. They claimed it was 'classified information'. Yes, aliens. They said that her body was... was destroyed during the fight. We still had a funeral, but it was just a grave stone.

Even though she wasn't buried here, it is the only connection I have left to her. I may seem crazy, but there is something calming about this place. People always say that they will always be with you in your heart, but it isn't the same. She died for her country, a cause she believed in. She must have been so brave and strong. I can only hope to be as brave as her one day. 

I remember the good moments we had together. Like the time she showed me how to fly. Of course, I didn't get to actually fly the plane because I was to young, but she showed me how things worked. She always got excited about flying, I loved seeing her smile. She was out a lot because of her job, but those weeks she was home were the best. She always spent as much time as possible with me as she could. I also remember those mornings where she would be in the kitchen waiting for me with breakfast already prepared. When I finished the meal she would wave me goodbye as I ran to the bus stop. I blinked back a tear threatening to fall.

"I miss you." I whispered in the wind hoping she would here me.

"Things have been pretty bad here lately. But don't worry, I can protect myself now. I am strong now, I will stay strong for you." I said not bothering to cover the pain in my voice.

Our family was never big on mindless chatter. Praise and affection wasn't really part of my life. Hugs? Good night kisses? Never heard of 'em. My parents had what you would call a 'loveless marriage'. They fought pretty often, but I would just try to ignore it and stared out my bedroom window. There was nothing else to say to her, I didn't know what else I could say. 

I kneeled there not knowing what to do. I couldn't go back to the Iceberg Lounge, because Penguin would be there waiting to punish me for running away. I looked around and saw a boy with black hair kneeling in front of two gravestones. He was saying something, but I looked away scolding myself for invading other's personal lives. I wanted to go over there and comfort the boy, but that might come off the wrong way. I couldn't see his face because his back was towards me, but I wanted him to know that everything was going to be okay.

"Search the area, I know she is here." said a distant voice.

I didn't need to see the speaker to know that it was Penguin. There was no use trying to run because the only entrance to the cemetery was probably being blocked by Penguin. The fences were too high to climb quickly enough, so I headed toward the voice. Maybe if I came back in peace he would go easy on me.

"There is no need to send a search party for me, Penguin. I'm right here." I announced. 

I was quickly grabbed by two body guards, but I didn't fight back. I was too exhausted from the day's events to care anymore. I let them drag me into a black short limo. I was seated with a bodyguard on my right and left flank as I stared out the tinted windows. Penguin sat facing me while a guard sat in the driver's seat behind him. Penguin obviously did not look thrilled that I ran away.

"This is completely unexceptable! I was just starting to trust you, but I now see I was wrong in doing so. From now on, you will now not be able to leave your cage unless I give you permission." Penguin explained.

I nodded my head slightly, not taking my eyes off the window. I could honestly care less about what Penguin did to me at this point. I was too tired to fight or speak up, so I just sat there waiting for my punishment. When we got 'home', the guards roughly pushed me into the cage and locked to gate. They then locked the hallway door leaving me alone. I could easily pick both of those locks with the items in my cage, but I didn't have the energy. Even if I did manage to escape, Penguin would just find me and drag me back.

I laid down on my mattress and closed my eyes thinking of the good  memories. The times before my mom left me, before my dad became abusive. The happy thoughts finally put me to sleep because of the exhaustion I felt.


I know you can all probably guess who the boy is.



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