Boy Wonder

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My heart is beating a million miles an hour as I lay on my mattress thinking about what the hell just happened. 

I saw the Boy Wonder, but not Batman.

He chased me, but never saw my face.

He tied me up, but I escaped.

They are probably looking for me, but they'll never find me.

The encounter was terrifying. When I got to the docks I saw a figure hiding on top of some crates. I assumed it was one of Penguin's spies watching my first pickup. I had to prove myself, so I swiftly jumped over the side of the boat and searched the crates. It didn't take long for me to find Penguin's package. I hopped out of the boat gracefully landing on my feet, trying to impress Penguin's spy. If I did well maybe he would put in a good word to Penguin for me. I walked behind the crates and kneeled down to make sure the package didn't suffer any damage. 

I heard the spy jump down from their perch and land behind me. I told them that I knew them and that they could trust me. Well, I was about to say that, but when I turned around their was a boy about my age looming over me. I made sure to look at the ground to cover my face. He had black hair and a red suit with a cape on. You have got to be joking, a cape? I could't see his eyes very well, but I did see the 'R' on his chest. That's when I knew I had screwed up. I was in total shock, but had to quickly regain my thoughts. I thought of Gordon's words, 'Never let your guard down' 

So, I did the only thing I could do, the only thing I have ever known how to do. I ran. I didn't think twice as I grabbed the package under my arm and ran. I didn't look back as I sped away from the docks and the Boy Wonder. I headed for the streets and buildings looking for cover, somewhere to disappear. I could hear him right behind me as I bolted into and alley, but then something wrapped around my legs and body. I quickly fell to the floor and slid because off all the built up speed. I kept sliding as the ground scraped my arm until my back slammed into the wall. I let a groan escape from my lips as I sat up against the wall. I looked around in the alley, but the Boy Wonder was no where in sight. 

There was an empty beer bottle a few feet to my right. I cringed at the sight, but I needed resources, a way out. The ties were tight, but I was still able to bend my legs and scoot over to the bottle. I grabbed it and slammed it into the wall behind me causing it to shatter. I grabbed the biggest piece and started to cut the ropes. I only need to cut one rope and untangle myself, but the ropes were extremely thick. The glass shard was dulling so I picked up a new one and continued. Once I was free from both of the ropes, I got up, picked up the package, checked my surroundings, and headed home. I let myself in through the back door and walked to my cage. Bringing me to right now, in a cold cage, scared out of my mind.

"I saw everything." Penguin stated. Busted.

"You saw everything?" I covered the worry in my voice.

 "You did wonderfully!" Penguin congratulated, huh?

"You go the package and escaped the Boy Wonder, soon you will be able to take on Batman." Penguin said thrilled.

"What was in the package?" I ask curiously.

"It's was an item I needed to make a new umbrella." Penguin simply replied.

Penguin is known for his umbrella weapons. He has about a million, each with a different feature. Each one was unique, but they were all used for the same purpose, crime. 

"Now get some rest we have a lot of training to do." Penguin said.

I drifted off to sleep as I heard him lock the cage door and leave.


I'm so excited for what's going to happen next. I think you guys are going to love it. :D



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