Umbrella Weapons

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*Maybe we can learn more information about her boss, Penguin.* M'gann suggested.

*Do you remember her Rob? She's kinda hot.* Wally asked staring at the girl.

Artemis kicked him under the table and Wally whined leaving the waitress confused.

"I'm sorry, but I still have tables to serve." she apologized.

*Quick, someone tell her if she doesn't sit with us, we will complain to her boss!* I yelled over the link.

"What the costumer says goes, ya know. You might want to have a seat unless your boss enjoys getting complaints." Artemis said smoothly.

Nice one, Artemis! The girl reluctantly sat in the booth with us, across from me. I still couldn't remember her name.

*Superboy, ask her what her name is.* I command.

*Why don't you do it yourself?* Superboy said sounding annoyed.

*Stay whelmed Connor, I -* I was cut off. 

*I'll do it.* M'gann offers excitedly.

"What is your name?" M'gann asks sweetly.

This makes the girl smile and responds nicely, "I'm Kayo, what are you guys doing in a place like this. You said you have never been here before. What brings you to the Iceberg Lodge?"

"We came for the good atmosphere and music." Wally cut in. 

Now it was my turn to kick him under the table. He is totally going to give us away! Kayo? How did I not remember that!? She is way nicer to them then she was to me the last time we met. Maybe I should have been polite from the beginning and the she would have responded politely. Note to self: always start a conversation nicely to get more information and gain trust.

"You look worn out, who's your boss? He must be working you really hard." Kaldur says.

"You have no idea! Mr. Cobblepot is a quiet man and likes to keep to himself, but runs a tight ship." Kayo replies.

*Ask her if we can speak to her boss, say we will put in a good word about her service.* I instruct. 

*Quit telling me what to do!* Superboy yelled. 

I don't want to speak to much or else she might start remembering who I am. We came here to see Penguin and I don't want to leave until we do. I look at everyone else, but no one says a word. I mentally sighed and speak to the girl.

"May we speak with your boss? Don't worry, we will put in good word of you." I try to say in a polite tone.

"I wish I could, but I don't know where he is at the moment." she responds sadly.

"Thanks for the help anyways. Here, keep the change." I say as I give her the payment for our untouched drinks and a little extra. 

She thanks us and smiles, "I hope you come again soon, it was fun."

There were those words, 'It was fun.' She said that the last time I came when I left. It could just be a coincidence, but what if it wasn't. Did she know who I was the entire time? If she did know, why didn't she say anything? My mind is in detective mode, I quickly shake it to clear my thoughts. I got up and started to check each storage room door to see which ones weren't locked. Maybe I could find some clues behind one of these doors. 

*Robin, what are you doing?* Aqualad demands to know. 

Ugh, I forgot I have to explain everything to them. I was still a little new at this team concept. When I am on a mission with Batman, we know exactly what to do and say. Sadly, that wasn't the case for the team. 

*Everyone, check all the doors in the lounge maybe we can find some clues.* I explained.

We checked each door in the lounge, but all of them were locked. Then Penguin walked out of one of the locked rooms. I pushed him into the room he came from and the team followed this time. Wally quickly pulled his goggles on.

"Why did you rob -" I started to interrogate .

*Robin, calm down, I can just read his mind.* Megan said. 

I stepped away from the fallen criminal letting Megan do her thing. Penguin had fear and confusion all over his face. His expression didn't look fake, but Penguin has been playing this game with Batman way longer than I have.

*He didn't steal from the museum.* Megan announced. 

I groaned out loud. Penguin was our only lead the only person who associated with birds. If it wasn't Penguin then who was it?

"You know it's not polite to read someones mind, Boy Wonder." Penguin states.

He slowly gets up using the help of his umbrella using it as a cane. He lifts the umbrella and aims it at the team. Instead of bullets coming out like I had expected a laser beam blasted out of the umbrella. I saw this happening before hand, so I was already out of the way. The rest of the team didn't know about Penguin's umbrella weapons so they were struggling to dodge the beam. The beam burned through the door and shot into the lounge.

That's when the screaming started. 


Robin needs to be a better team player. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.



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