Penguin Girl

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The boat finally came, only ten minutes early? The boat pulled into the docks and the crew secured it. I was about to jump from the hiding place to get closer to the boat, but Batman held me back. I looked at him with furrowed brows.

"Look," he nodded his head towards Thorne's men, "they aren't moving, that must not be the right shipment." he explained.

"Did you see a 12:30 shipment on the schedule? Because I know I didn't." I asked.

"I didn't either. Go check it out, but keep in touch." he whispered.

I hid in the shadows of the stacked creates and ran to find a watch stance. I climbed onto a high stack of wooden creates near the boat and waited. I looked around and checked in with Batman, he said the boat had reached to dock. I was about to head back when a dark figure came out of the shadows and headed to the boat. Only one person? He... actually I had no idea what gender it was. Well, it walked up to the boat and climbed onto the back of the boat with ease. It searched through the small boxes and finally they picked up a metal briefcase. It jumped out of the boat and  ran behind some creates. That was my cue. I jumped down from the creates landing lightly on my feet behind it. 

"Look," apparently a girl from the sound of her voice said, "I know why you were sent, and I know he doesn't trust..." she stopped when she turned around. 

I still couldn't see her face because the hood of her cloak covered it. I didn't want to attack her because she looked like she didn't have any weapons. She sounded my age...

"Boy Wonder?" she whispered in disbelief.

The girl started to run keeping her face shielded and ran towards the street. I ran after her, but she was faster than I expected, so I picked up the pace. 

"Robin, I could use a hand here." Batman grunted on the comm links.

Batman needed me so I decided to throw a bat-bolas around her legs and arms from my utility belt. She fell in an alley and I headed back to the docks. I would have to deal with her later, right now Batman needed me.

I ran to aid Batman, but who was that girl? I guess I'd find out when I got back. When I reached the docks again, Batman was holding up, but he was obviously struggling. I didn't even think twice before I grabbed my grapple gun. I shot my the gun at the crane above me and swung into the fight knocking three guys down on the way. I landed near Batman, as I started dodging bullets and throwing my modified batarangs disabling the guns. I called them Birdarangs, what?

We finally got them all tied to the crane and contacted Jim Gordon on their location. I ran once we finished disarming all of them of their weapons.

"Where are you going?" he asked over the comms alarmed. 

"Was chasing a girl before you called me. I left her in an ally tied with bat-bolas. I will catch up later at the Batcave. What was in the crates?" I asked still running.

"Let's find out." he said before turning his comm off.

Damn. I thought as I reached the ally where I had left the girl. There was no girl in sight, just the cut bat-bolas. 

"Robin are you there?" Batman asked over the comms.

"Ya, she got away." I replied disappointed.

"It's okay we'll find out what she took. I got the list of items that were on that ship. I opened one of the the crates Thorne was picking up, it's just some illegal drugs." Batman sighed.

"You owe me a slice of chocolate cake!" I said trying to cheer him up.

"What? You have a lot of explaining to do." he said confused.

I got back to the Batmobile and hopped in. We drove to the manor parked the Batmobile in the Batcave. I changed out of my costume and saw Batman typing on computer. His hair was smashed to the top of his head from the helmet and he was staring at the computer intently. This was the Batman very few people go to see. No one ever saw the hardwork and long hours he spends planning and preparing. 

"The package the girl took was from another illegal shipment. It contained a small amount of an extremely explosive chemical compound. When exposed to water the chemical will ignite. It says here that the package was supposed to be sent to... Penguin." Bruce said in shock.

"That would mean that the mystery girl is working for Penguin. I didn't get to see her face, but she look around my age. Why is she working for Penguin?" I thought out loud.

"Good question, was there anything else about her you noticed?" Bruce asked, eyes glued to the computer screen. 

 "All I know was that she was wearing a black body cloak and black boots. She was about to say something about 'he doesn't trust me' for some reason." I replied thinking hard.

"You talked to her?" Bruce stopped and turned to face me.

"Well, I landed behind her and she must have thought that I was someone else. She said 'I know who sent you' and 'I know he doesn't trust me'. Then she turned around and realized it was me." I answered.

Bruce turned back to the computer typing down every word I had just said. 

"I guess we have to add 'Penguin Girl' to the list of things we have to investigate." Bruce said exhausted and worried.


Kayo "meets" Robin for the first time.



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