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Each step I took echoed through the lounge. The backs of my ankles were forming blisters from wearing the uniform flats. I quickly took off the uncomfortable shoes and headed back to my makeshift room. My head was killing me; all the cigar smoke and thoughts swirling around in my head were not helping.  I needed to tell someone about the shipment. I couldn't just let something like this go. Could I? I heard something that I wasn't supposed to, but I couldn't do anything about it anyways. Batman and Robin will take care of it (if they even exist). I'm still not sure if the Dark Knight and the baby bird are real. I always thought they were just a stupid cover-up story for thugs who couldn't finish the job. I have got to stop thinking about this, it isn't my problem! 

I quickly shook my head. I shut off the lights and kept walking. Note to self: shut the lights off after I get to my room. It was pitch black; I kept slamming my hip into the corners of tables. When I finally got to my room, I reached for the doorknob. Pausing, I heard movement behind me. It was quiet; it sounded like metal hitting one of the wood tables. The sound only came from a few feet away. Silently yet swiftly, I whipped around and kicked the object behind me. I heard a painful groan as I ran to turn on the lights while crashing into every table on the way. I flicked the light switch on and low-and-behold there was my boss laying on the ground holding his stomach. Holy crap, I just drop kicked Penguin! I quickly ran over to the fallen man to check if he was okay.

"Penguin! Oh my goodness, I didn't know it was you. I heard a noise behind me and I let my instinct take over. It's all my fault, I'm such an idiot! Let me help you up," I rambled in a shaky voice.

"It's fine," Penguin held up his hand to silence me. "Don't worry, I deserved that for sneaking up on you," he apologized. I grabbed his three-fingered, gloved hand and hoisted him to his feet.

"I think it's time to put those quick reflexes to good use," Penguin stated mysteriously.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know that I am getting old and these bones aren't as strong as they used to be. You also know that I have stayed off the radar for a while as I raised you like my own, but I miss the thrill of crime. The Iceberg Lounge isn't making enough money to support us and I won't just stand around while it crumbles to pieces. I took you under my wing for the past month; I have never asked anything of you. Now, I am calling in my favor. I will train you," Penguin confessed.

I laughed loudly, "I don't think I understand, it sounds like you want me to be some sort of protege."

"Kayo, look at me," I looked straight into his eyes as I searched for any signs of sarcasm; I found none. "I can't be cooped up in a cage. I refuse to sit around and pretend like nothing's wrong. I wasn't born to be a simple club owner; I am destined to be the greatest villain mastermind in all of Gotham! I will not let old age stop me. Don't you see that money gives you power and power gives you freedom? I may not be able to carry on as the greatest villain in Gotham, but I can create a legacy. You will be my legacy and carry on my success!" Penguin announced triumphantly.

My father always warned me about how crazy my uncle was, but he never showed any signs of insanity until now. He was out of control and the look in his eyes became crazed instead of the gentleness I knew all too well. All this talk of a legacy and crime, I wasn't sure how to respond. The worst of it all is that he expected me to carry on some twisted family business. 

"I am thankful that you took me in as your own child, but I can't go back to that life. This crazy plan of yours is insane and I won't help you go through with it," I sighed exasperatedly. 

"Freedom, Kayo. I know the word doesn't exist in your world, but it doesn't have to stay that way. Your father is no longer here to hold you down."

"Freedom," I whispered.

The sweet taste of it on my tongue was overwhelming. It was barely a whisper, but it echoed through the silence of the Lounge. The secret shipment and now this? My head can't handle all this absurd information at once. I could feel my head starting to burn again; it was like a computer heating up from processing too much information. I needed to sort things out, to stop for a moment and think.

He expects me to steal for him. Penguin has been so kind to me, he practically became my father, but now he wants me to carry on the family reputation. This doesn't seem real, and yet everything is very black and white. Before Penguin saved me, I lived on the run and only stole for survival. I couldn't get a job at my age, and I only stole from a few markets and a small, beat-up jewelry store. I only have some fighting experience, my father taught me how to protect myself, to always be good, but that was before...


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