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My dad wasn't my blood parent, but my father sadly was. I've spent months trying to forget him. I try to remember the good time we had together; when he was good. He used to be a Gotham police officer and would bring me to his work every weekend. I remember walking into the training room at 5:00 AM in the morning watching police officers spar on the dark blue mats in the middle of the room. I remember smelling the scent of rubber and sweat, and I loved it. I would sit there for hours just watching each match with new competitors fist fighting to win. Gotham's city police were a little different than others, they needed to deal with villains that poisoned this city; therefore, the training was constant even after the Academy. One of those weekends, one of the officers had noticed my presence each weekend and motioned for me to join him. I was extremely confused and looked at my father for approval. He nodded his head and I nearly leaped off my seat and ran to the mat.

"Hey there little Missy! What's your name?" said the man. He had gelled back, light brown hair and brown eyes. The young policeman in training smiled at me showing me all his teeth.

"I-It's Kayo," I mumbled while looking at the ground.

He smiled even wider, "Look at that, you were born to do this, your name says it all. I'm Jim Gordon," he stuck out his right hand. I looked up and shook his hand.

"Let's have a little fun! Hmm, I have the perfect thing!"

He ran into the storage room and came back out hauling a small, boxing bag with a weight attached to the bottom. My eyes immediately lit up to the red punching bag. He placed it close to the mats near the wall and motioned for me to come.

"Here, I want you to punch this," he pointed to the red punching bag. I was skeptical at first and just stared at the bag, like a doctor examining their patient.

"Come on you can do it!"

I took a strong swing at the bag with my right fist. The red material bent back and I smiled proud of my work, but it only lasted a second. The bag bounced right back and hit me right in the nose. The blow knocked my off my feet and I fell on my butt. I examined the bag once more trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"Oh that's okay, Kayo. Do you know why we fall?" he asked. I shook my head in response.

"We fall so that we can learn to pick ourselves back up," he answered. Gordon offered me his hand and helped me back to my feet.

"Now, look at your fist," he picked up my hand and I made it a fist, "Put your thumb under your second knuckle so that you don't hurt your thumbs. You also have to keep punching the bag so that it doesn't have the chance to hit you again. Here, try again," he said.

I took a deep breath and made fists with both of my hands just like Gordon showed me. Then I alternated between both of my fists punching the bag a quickly as I could. A drop of sweat started to roll down the side of my cheek and my arms felt like iron weights. I stopped punching for a blink of an eye. The red monster saw my weakness and took a shot at my nose. He hit his mark as I fell off my feet and landed on the ground.

"Never let your guard down, Kayo. It gives your competitor a chance to strike. I have to get back to training, but keep practicing, you'll get the hang of it," he encouraged and waved goodbye.

I smiled ear-to-ear and waved my hand back and forth vigorously. I stood up and brushed myself off, closed my eyes and concentrated. I slammed my sore fists into the red inflatable as fast as a hummingbird beats it's wings.


Jim Gordon is one of the best parts of the Batman story, in my opinion. Also did anyone catch that Batman trilogy reference?



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