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I look around and see a light purple walls as I get up from my bed. I see a bookcase filled with toys rather than books. I walk over to a desk in the corner of the room and find a family picture of... my family? What am I doing back at my old house? I walk to the small body mirror next to my bed and me, but I looked a little younger. I look at the calendar hanging on my wall, March 4.

No, I can't go through this again. I need to get out, but how did I get here in the first place. Of course, this must all be a dream. I left 2 months ago, what is going on? I close my eyes and pinch my left arm. I reopen my eyes, but I'm still here. 

"Kayo get the down here, now!" a deep, commanding voice yells from across the hallway.

I can't relive this day, I have to get out! My legs are moving, against my wishes, towards the door at the other end of the hallway. My mind is screaming to turn around, but it's like I'm not in control of my body. I push open the door to see my father. He sits on a comfy leather armchair in front of a blank old television screen. His brow is furrowed while staring at the blank screen. 

"Is there something you need help with father?" I asked as politely as I could not wanting to set him off. I wasn't in control of my body or mouth, so I was forced to just wait and watch.

"Turn this damn TV on, the remote isn't working." his voice low and angered.

I nodded right away and walked over to the TV. I bent down on my knees to take a look at the old television's cables. The TV's cables were all in the right place, so the problem must be the remote. 

"If we had some batteries, I could change..." I was cut off by my father.

"You spoiled brat, be thankful you have a roof over your head! Don't ask me for any batteries." he yelled and slammed his fist on the armchair's arm rest making me flinch. He was surrounded by beer bottles from last night, but right now he was completely sober

"Now fix the damn TV." he ordered.

"B-But father, I can't fix the TV unless we have a new set of batteries for the remote." I stuttered. 

"YOU LITTLE..." he screamed. I didn't here the rest of it because a beer bottle came fly towards me.

I was still on the right side of the TV checking the cables. I saw him grab the empty beer bottle and chucked it at me. I gasped as the bottle missed me and made contact with the TV. The screen and the bottle shattered allowing millions of glass pieces to be lodged into the left of my stomach and back. I was about to scream in pain, but thought better of it. I quickly blinked back the tears threatening to fall. Father would have my head if I screamed or cried in the house. I bit my lip so hard I thought I tasted blood. It hurt to move, to breathe.

"Look what you did!" he growled. 

Anger started filling his eyes. I was scared out of my mind backing into a corner. With every breath I was being stabbed by the shards of glass lodged in my skin. He started swearing at me, but I couldn't hear him over the fear in my mind. I couldn't feel the pain as terror quickly took over my thoughts. The scariest thing about him was the fact that he wasn't drunk. A misconception about abuse is that the abuser is usually fully aware of his actions, and will not be under the influence of a substance.

He grabbed yet another empty bottle and slammed it onto the right side of my head and then I woke up. When I opened my eyes, I found myself dripping sweat and breathing hard. I looked around and I was in a giant, silver... bird cage? Then it all hit me all at once, the memories came rushing back to me. I was fighting Penguin's body guards and must have been thrown into this cage in the process. The most relieving memory was that today is May 2, and not March 4. It was dark and all the birds in the hallway were quiet. I was tucked into a 'bed' with a thin blanket, but it was enough. I pulled the blanket off and pulled my shirt up a little. I looked down at my tan skin looking at all the mini scars left from that day. 

I had to painfully pick out each of the shards, but I got them all out so the open wounds healed. Now, all that's left from that day are the small scars that will never let me forget. I tried to get comfortable on the thin mattress. At least for now I am relatively safe and I have a mattress to sleep on. I shut my eyes and try to go back asleep because of the exhaustion of my job and the recent fight. I am grateful for the time to rest as I drift off to sleep. 


Backstory! BAM!



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