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"You know it's rude to ask for someone's name without telling them your own first," I said with confidence. The playboy looked surprised, he has probably never been talked back to. Now this made me smile.

"Richard Grayson, but everyone calls me Dick," he said regaining his composure. 

Grayson? Didn't he say he was Bruce Wayne's son, so shouldn't they have the same last name? I was about to open my mouth to say something, but then he cut me off.

"And before you ask, yes, I am adopted."

Now it was my turn to be the surprised one. He was adopted. Adopted! How could someone who knows how it feels to be poor be so cocky and self-centered? I studied his face again, he wasn't lying there was another emotion in his eyes. He quickly brushed his current thought away and the emotion was gone with it, but I could have sworn I saw guilt in his eyes. 

"Now can I ask what your name is?" he said in an annoyed voice.

"Kayo," I bluntly responded.

"K.O.? Like the letters 'K' and 'O'? As in knock out? That's quite the name," he laughed.

Quite? This kid was definitely raised in a private school. I bet he has like a personal butler or something.

"You're gonna laugh at my name, Mister Dick Grayson. And by the way, it's Kayo, K-A-Y-O," I answered defensively.

"Dick is short for Richard," he mumbled offended as he looked down at his beautiful gold watch. I eyed the piece as a starving stray would drool over a medium rare steak. If only!

"So Hot Shot, what brings you to the Iceberg Lounge? Your first time?" I asked trying to be as polite as possible.

"I've been here a few times before, but not a regular. I'm just hoping to get a little fun in here-and-there. How about you? Do you work here all the time or just night shifts?"

"All day, all night. Well, that is until school starts," I joked. I hope he wasn't planning on seeing me again. Then again... I hope he tips well.

"Where do you go?" 

"I'm not totally sure yet, I'm new to the area," I lied through my teeth. I have lived in Gotham my entire life and sadly have never left. Of course, I've gone to school in Gotham, but it was a small, dumpy, public school that was slowly falling apart. I've always been a good student, top of my class. (That wasn't a big accomplishment considering half the kids never showed up.) Penguin hadn't discussed a school plan since it was still summer break. I didn't want to bother him with the question either. I'm just left hoping he will let me know when the time comes.

"Ever thought about attending GA?" Grayson asked excitedly.

I couldn't help the sass bleeding through my voice. "Gotham Academy? The private school for the privileged kids of Gotham? I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't exactly fit into that category."

He chuckled like a rich British man; it was weird coming from a teenager, but what else was I to expect. "Well yes, you have to test with very high scores to be considered. It also helps to have connections, but now you have me. I'd say try it out; if you don't make it then it really means nothing, just move on to the next school. Though you look like a smart girl, so if you do make it in, then you'll be going to school with me," he explained.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try... You're in 9th grade too?"

He grinned, "That's the spirit, but yes, we would both being going in as freshmen."

He checked his shimmering watch. "Well, it's about time for me to go. See ya in school, K-O," he laughed.

"Maybe." I shrugged, "It was fun, Dick Grayson," I shot back and he smiled. 

He paid for the cans of soda and gave me a $20 tip. Score! He placed the check right next to his untouched glass of pop and left. I looked at the clock again, 4:30 AM. I work till 5:00 AM on Fridays, so I spent the rest of the night wiping the tables down. 


"Bye Kayo," Melody exhaled. Her mascara was clumped around her bagged eyes.

"Hey Mel, how about I do the bar Monday you look like you could use a break. Do me a favor and take the day off," I offered. It killed me to see Melody like this; she was too young to be this stressed.

"No, it's fine; a little work isn't going to kill me. Plus, you don't know how to mix drinks, you're only 13," she smiled weakly. 

I gave her a mischievous smile, "We both know you need a well-deserved break. Penguin won't know and I can cover everything. The only people in the bars on Monday are already drunk when they come in, they won't even care what I give them as long as it keeps them wasted. Don't worry, take some time off."

"Thank you so much, Kayo. It's always hard to find good friends in Gotham," she said squeezing me to death in a hug. I was caught off guard and slightly uncomfortable by being captured in a hug, but I finally hugged her back. Now, this was the Melody I knew.

"No problem," I smiled and waved her good-bye as I locked up the lounge doors.


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