Knock Out

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While I was waiting on a table a red laser beam blasted out from Penguin's room and into the lounge. Something was seriously wrong, he used his laser beam umbrella. Everyone was screaming and running to the doors as I pushed my way to my cage. I ran in and changed into my swan costume as quickly as I could. 

When I ran back into the lounge I heard a laugh echo through the room, but couldn't see where it came from. Penguin had grabbed another umbrella and was in the middle of the lounge. This one was his new prototype he has been working on for a few month now. He used the explosive chemicals that I had provided. I knew exactly what I had to do. I had to get everyone drenched in water.

I grabbed a pile of napkins and set them on fire with a lighter a smoker must have left behind. The napkins exploded into a flame instantly. The automatic sprinkler went off getting everyone in the room wet except for Penguin who had his umbrella to cover him. 

He used the new prototype and started shooting green pellets at everyone. When one hit Kid Flash he was thrown back against the wall from the immediate explosion. He groaned as he got back up at him and charged at Penguin again. 

Body guards started to fill the room surrounding Penguin and fighting off the team of superheroes. I needed to help, but who do I help. You would think the obvious answer would be Penguin, but the small team was outnumbered. I shook my head. What are you even thinking, Penguin would kill you if you even had a thought like that.

So I jumped into the fight pulling out my whip. I attacked the closest person, a girl with long blond hair using a bow. I wrapped the whip's end around her bow and yanked on the whip. The bow was ripped right out of her hands before she could shoot another arrow. 

I hit the whip against the ground breaking the bow into pieces. She looked shocked for a moment, but then her face turned furious. She jumped at me, but I moved to the side. I ran away heading for the fight, while she was still on the ground scrambling to her feet.



*We've got company, on your right Robin!* Artemis screamed. 

I was taking out guards by the second. When I heard Artemis, I turned to my right only to find a fist in my face. I staggered back from the unexpected blow. I shook my head to see a girl with long, straight black hair in white and black clothing. She was wearing a swan mask and was lunging forward to strike again. 

"I got this one, protect Penguin, storage room A2." she commanded not taking her eyes off me, "NOW!" she yelled. 

The body guards ran to a storage room most likely A2 and came out with more umbrella weapons, each one with a different function. The girl was still coming toward me so I jumped to my feet and did a flip over her landing behind her. I swiped my leg under her feet, but she jumped, to my surprise, without even looking at me. 

She grabbed the whip at her side and swinging it down on my arm. My arm burned from the blow, but I wasn't bleeding. A whip? Isn't that Catwoman's main weapon? Maybe our new masked criminal was trained by Catwoman. We would pay her a visit too, if we got out of here alive. 

*Everyone get out now!* I commanded. 

*The guards are blocking the doors, they want us dead.* Aqualad responded quickly.

I looked over and Aqualad was right. The guards were shoulder to shoulder blocking all the exits. I focused back on the attacker and remembered what Canary told us, 'Fight on your terms, don't react.' I swung a fist at her face only to be blocked by one of her arms. She grabbed one of my arms and pulled it behind my back like... a police officer. 

"Old fashioned fist fighting isn't really your style. I would stick with Batman, for the protection." she mocked.

She grabbed a pair of hand cuffs and locked them on my wrist around a pole. It wasn't that hard to get out of, but I didn't have a lot of time.

*Rob, we are coming hang in there.* Wally said determined.

*A little stuck at the moment. I will meet you guys back at Mount Justice, just go!* I commanded.

*Nice try Batboy, but we aren't going to leave you behind.* Artemis disagreed.

I got to work on the hand cuffs. It took me 6 seconds flat to almost get it unlocked, but before I could stand up the girl kicked me against the wall. She lifted her whip, but Flash ran past and grabbed it from her hand. Superboy jumped down over the girl, but she managed to move out of the way.

Aqualad tried to enclose her in a water force field, but she gave him a hard kick in the stomach. He lost control of the force field and staggered backwards. M'gann lifted her into the air, but that didn't seem to stop the girl. Artemis' slung an arrow that went directly for the girl with her back up bow. She pulled a small dagger out of the side of her boot. She deflected the arrow, but went spinning out of control in the air. 

Her left thigh and right arm were gushing blood. Her jaw was bruised badly and her breathing was rugged. She looked half dead, but there was fire in her eyes. There was no stopping this chick until she died. I was still holding off the guards when I came up with a solution. 

*Knock her out, we need to interrogate her.* I told the team.

*You want us to knock her out?! We can't even get close to her!* M'gann said exasperated.

*On my signal drop her to the ground. SB and KF keep her still. Aqualad I need you to give her a hard blow to the head. Not too hard, we don't want to kill her, just knock her out. Artemis I could use some help with these guards." I instructed.

I took out a few more guards waiting for the perfect time. I threw a birdarang at the girl in the air. She blocked it, but spun out of control.

"NOW!" I commanded.

M'gann dropped her and she slammed into the ground. Before she could get back on her feet, KF tied her down. Superboy held her shoulders keeping her from wiggling. Aqualad hit her with a water club he had formed. She slumped over with her eyes closed. KF checked her pulse to make sure she was still alive, just in case.

*KF take the girl and everyone meet up at the Bioship.* I ordered.

If I am being honest I really want to know who this mystery swan girl is. I mean she fought the entire team at once, that wasn't your average teenage girl. I have been researching her for the past day and I have been stumped. I did know one thing, I was going to find out who this girl was and nothing was going to stop me.


That will end the first book! I tried to leave on a cliff hanger hoped you all liked it. Robin's got his heart on finding out who Kayo is. I felt like this book was getting too long so I am just going to make a series. Thanks for reading and see you in the next book, it's called Turdus. :)



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