Moral Trap

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I stayed quiet still trying to sort all the new information being inserted into my brain. Freedom had all seemed too unreal until now. 

"You have all the tools in order to be the best thief in Gotham. All you need is a mentor to tell you how to use those tools to build the best you. You can become my protege and learn what it means to be a criminal. You will experience the greatest freedom you can barely dream of!" said the Penguin excitedly. 

This. Is. Crazy. I'm in a dream, this isn't real, but freedom I can't even dream of? No more running and hiding? Being able to take care of myself with out needing anyone to depend on? Snap out of it Kayo, he's trying to get into your head. I looked Penguin right in the eye and made a decision without any doubt in my mind. 

"I will not turn to crime again. You have no idea how thankful I am for you taking care of me, but I will not steal for you, or anyone for that matter. Thank you so much for the help Penguin, but I think it is time for me to move out," I announced with a firm voice.

I turned on my heal and started to walk towards the door. It hurt me to let Penguin, my protector, down, but there was no way I was going to steal anything for him. I don't want to be one of his crime puppets. I may have a broken life, but it is still mine and I control what I do, and that's enough freedom for me. I didn't even make it two steps towards the door when Penguin's bodyguards surrounded me. Great, just great. 

"Trying to play the hero? How cute. I didn't want to force you into it, Kayo. I really didn't. I wanted you to choose to help me rather than having me do this. You will help me," the bodyguards moved in closer, "if you like it or not," Penguin threatened.

"Now, listen closely Kayo," Penguin pushed painfully on my right shoulder with one of his three fingers, "you will go to the west docks at 12:30 and intercept a shipment. You will take only one package and head back to the lounge. The package will say 'Penguin' on the label. Do not interact with anyone during this pickup. Oh, and don't try anything dumb, I have eyes and ears all over the city, I wouldn't advise doing anything stupid. It isn't a hard job, I wouldn't even call it stealing. I just want you to get used to your surroundings at night. Consider it my first training lesson, and you will learn to like it. Trust me it won't be hard," he finished harshly.

I looked around whipping my head in every direction looking for an escape. There were no gaps in the blockade of bodyguards, I was trapped. There was nothing I could do, but submit. Dad told me once, 'Wait for the fight, don't start it.' I hung my head in defeat while Penguin led me to one of the storage rooms with his bodyguards right behind me. Sadly, I couldn't say I hated the entire idea of his plan if I were to tell the full honest truth.

"We have a lot of work to do before the night is over." Penguin said and opened the door.


Penguin's "bodyguards" are different in every universe, and we don't see a lot of him in the show. I just stuck with something that resembled a club bouncer.



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