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I am dressed in my white training clothes: black boots, elbow length gloves, and a cloak. My new swan mask is so stunning; I don't ever want to take it off. I am wearing the bracelet the Riddler gave me, don't ask me why he did, and I haven't bothered to take it off. I have one shoulder, black sling duffel bag filled with old flip phones, a roll of bubble wrap, an assault pen, a taser, and two cloths coated in my knockout powder. Penguin had very specific instruction and I was going to follow them to a T. He told me to go undetected to the police, but obvious to the Dynamic Duo. I headed out of the Iceberg Lounge and started running toward the museum.

I headed to the back of the museum and stayed clear of all the cameras. I took a picture of the back entrance that the camera was viewing with an old flip phone Penguin provided. I then tapped the phone in front of the camera showing the back entrance. I wasn't trained to be tech-savvy and had no clue on how to hack a security system, so we were going old school. I quickly picked the lock, something Riddler's difficult escape rooms taught me and stepped right in. I was just praying the guard wasn't watching the monitors that closely.

I checked the corners of the room for any guards or cameras, something I learned at dad's work. I quickly did the same thing I did to the back entrance camera to the remaining cameras. Now on to the tricky part, finding a guard with an access card and taking them out silently. I called for my warblers in with the mind control headband and had them search the area. I controlled each at the same time which took a lot of practice with the Mad Hatter. 

One of the cameras on the bird's back showed a guard in front of the ancient Egyptian section. When I got to the section, I didn't bother with the cameras I was wearing a mask and there was only one more guard in the control room. When I reached the guard I quickly covered his nose and mouth. He was forced to breathe in the powder that I learned to make with Mr. Freeze. I grabbed his key card and headed to the control room. I kicked the door open and quickly knocked the guard out with the other cloth before he could speak. I shut down all security in the building with the key card. I deleted the past 15 minutes of footage so that there was no evidence on camera. I looked at a museum map that was left on the desk. 

Chinese? No. Irish? No. Greek? Bingo!

I ran into the Greek section looking around for anything special. I saw a beautiful vase covered in complicated patterns and designs. There is a woman standing on a cloud with a silver bow. She looked strong and determined as she pulled back the bowstring. I tapped the glass gently with my assault pen and it shatters to pieces. I shivered viciously and forced myself to grab the vase with my shaking hand. I carefully wrapped it in the bubble wrap and continued on.

Once my backpack was full, I closed it up and was about to walk out when something caught my eye. I walked over to the last case on the right and shattered the glass. Laying on a velvet pillow was a shiny silver swan. It wasn't as valuable as some of the other pieces in the room, but it was beautiful and the perfect tool to make a statement. The diamonds it was bedazzled with even matched the bracelet the Riddler gave me. 

^The swan pendant shape^

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^The swan pendant shape^

I was surprised when he gave it to me, but it had a giant fake diamond with black, white, and gray beads. I never question why the Riddler does anything. When I do, I just end up with a painful headache and no answers, just more riddles. I took a necklace and put it around my neck, it really was breathtaking. I admired the jewelry in one of the glass' reflections. 


I walked out the back door and commanded my warblers to flock back to me. I headed back to the Iceberg Lounge on a long complicated route just in case someone was tailing me. I got back to the lounge and smiled to myself. That was amazing, I was so free! Everything went to plan and I didn't get caught. My heart started to slow after all the action from the heist. I headed to Penguin's room; I was about to knock on his door, but the door swung open. 

"What do you have for me, my swan?" he looked at me expectantly. I opened my bag revealing the priceless vases and pottery. 

"This is all I could fit," I said humbly with a smile playing on my lips. I could feel the pride radiate off of him; it was hard not to be proud of myself too.

"You passed this test with flying colors. I also see you got something for yourself." He nodded to the necklace hanging on my neck, "It is quite beautiful, I will take the pottery; You go rest up for tomorrow," he said sweetly. I grinned widely as I headed to bed. I kept the necklace around my neck as I fell asleep smiling. I finally have a dad who cares for me and all the freedom in the world, not to mention the expensive perks. 

Could life get any better than this?


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