Name Game

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"Tie her to that table over their so we can keep an eye on her." I said.

I pointed to the table, Superboy carried her to it. It was placed in the middle of the briefing room so that we could still try to find out who she is. Batsy won't let us take off her mask. He says it will be 'good practice'. I mentally rolled my eyes. Batman is just giving us busy work, but orders are orders.

KF quickly wrapped the girl to the table with metal cables. Wally races back over to the pop up screen. I go to the camera footage and rewind the video.

"I want to see how she got out of those restraints. I thought we took away all of her weapons." I announce.

We watch the screen as we see the masked girl open her eyes. She does a quick sweep of her surroundings and closes her eyes. She opens them again and looks down at her bracelet. She touches a few beads and then a small knife and lock pick pop out of the diamond's side. She picks the lock swiftly, about 19 seconds per cuff. Not as fast as me, but fast enough.

"Wow, I did not see that coming." Aqualad commented.

I turn off the video and pull my research back up.

"I call dibs on naming her!" Wally called.

"Naming her?" Connor questioned.

"All villains need a cool name, duh." Wally stated sarcastically.

"She is obviously fond of swans, so maybe we should call her Swangirl." M'gann joined in.

"No, the name needs a nice ring to it. It needs to be catchy like Ms. Swan or Swany." Wally replied.

"This naming game is stupid." Artemis says bluntly.

"Ya, well you're stupid." Wally shoots back and misses.

"Can't we just focus on the mission?" I beg.

"Yes, give us a briefing on what you have learned so far." Aqualad answers.

I turn around and start typing on my wrist computer and pictures start popping up all around us. I turn around to see Wally stick his tongue out in Artemis' direction and Artemis just rolling her eyes in return. A sigh escapes my lips. Will they ever get along?

"We know nothing about this girl besides the fact that she has long brown hair, tan skin, and an AB blood type. Our guess is that she works for Penguin and he has trained her. We don't know her background, but by her fighting style we can guess she was taught police hand-to-hand moves. I am sure Penguin didn't teach her these so she must have learned them somewhere else." I explain.

"What about the scars we found on her stomach?" Aqualad asks.

"The scars were obviously made by shards of glass. I was thinking she must have gotten them from the museum robbery. The weird thing is, is that there was no blood found at the scene. It may be from an old childhood accident, nothing more." I answered.

"What I don't understand is what her motivation is." I think out loud.

"Maybe she is being threatened." M'gann suggests.

"What would she be threatened by? Do we know if she has a family or who they are?" Artemis asked.

"Sorry to cut in, but our guest is waking up." Wally interrupts.

The girls eyes open and her head moves. Her face is full of pain until she turns her head and sees us. She face changes completely emotionless in a blink of an eye.

"Let me go, I won't run again." she manages to croak out.

"Why would we trust you?" Wally questions.

"You have my word." she coughs.

"Release her." I order.

The rest of the team looks at me like I have three arms.

"Are you crazy?" Superboy asks.

"Is that really the best choice?" Aqualad asks.

"Why do you trust her?" Artemis practically yells.

"She isn't lying. I am asking you to trust me, not her."

I activate the lock down sequence for the room to make sure that each door is blocked. Wally still has a confused look on his face, but he trusts me anyways. He walks over to the girl tied to the table and releases her. She sat up and pushed herself off the table.

I could tell she was trying to hide it, but I could see her arms were shaking when she pushed herself off. She was extremely weak and her legs were giving out on her. She held onto the table for support. The room was complete silence as she moved.

"Water?" was all she managed to say.

M'gann picked up the water bottle that we had brought for the girl telepathically. She unscrewed the cap in mid air and it floated in the air over to the girl. The girl took it from the air and drank it. She gave M'gann a weak smile and put the water bottle on the table.

The masked burglar left the support of the table and tried to walk towards us. She walked confidently, but her legs weren't strong enough. She collapsed on the ground. I immediately ran over to her and put my hand on her shoulder with concern written all over my face.

She was in really bad shape. She couldn't even walk and she needed food and more water. I grabbed her arm to help her up. She looked up, not with thankfulness in her eyes, but anger. She gathered all the strength she had left and ripped her hand out of mine.

"I don't need your help." she growled.

The sudden outburst made me stagger back in shock. Couldn't she see we were trying to help her? I stepped back from the fallen masked girl watching in utter shock. She forced her shaking arms to push herself back to her feet and walked to the pop up screen.

"You are obviously struggling with Batman's test." she gave a weak smile.

The entire team was still staring at her in shock. After being in battle and being knocked out twice this girl wasn't going to take our help. She obviously has grit, I'll give her that much. I turned off the lock down sequence and the team was now staring at me in shock.

*What are you doing, Rob?* Wally asked completely lost.

*Does it look like she is in the right state to run away?* I asked in my defense.

*She needs to eat and rest.* Aqualad stated.

*You think she will let us help her?* Artemis said unsure.

"Come this way to the kitchen." M'gann said sweetly.

"Thank you." she smiled at M'gann.

She walked slowly, but held her posture until she reached the kitchen. Wally zipped past her and pulled out a chair at the table. She weakly smiled at him and sat down in the chair. He quickly grabbed some bread from the counter and M'gann floated a bowl of soup to the counter along with a spoon.

She looked suspiciously at the the soup and bread. She poked at it and smelled it making sure it wasn't poisonous and then she finally started to eat. She looked at us all expectantly.

"Aren't you going to eat too. Instead of standing there with your mouths open?" she asked and gestured to the other chairs.

We all sat down and M'gann served us each soup without even touching the bowls. We looked at the soup then at one another and started to eat. Wally was gulping the soup down by the second. The girl laughed out loud and Wally laughed and blushed. He was so embarrassed as he quickly wiped his face and set the bowl down.

"Don't worry I understand you have a fast metabolism with your powers and all. I bet you all have a bunch of questions, so ask away, but then you have to answer some of mine." she said.


Kayo is being nice?



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