Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)

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Chapter 10



Samaras POV:

She kissed me.

She really kissed me.

I can't believe it.

We are sitting on the couch cuddling while watching movies, I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that just happened.

It feels like a dream, I never imagined she would like me back.
I mean i hoped she would but i never thought it would be true.

I was probably as scared as she was about people judging us.
Even considering I'm nearly 18 I'm still pretty young.
I don't want her to lose her family or get hate from people, but i do want to be with her.

I look over to Demi and admire how beautiful she is, she's flawless.
Everything she does makes me more attracted to her.
Like the cute way she pouts when she doesn't he her way.
The way she crinkles her eyebrows when she confused about something or the way she never fails to make me smile.
Even when I'm at my saddest point.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Demi asks raising her eyebrow questionably.

"Just admiring how beautiful you are!" I say smiling.

She blushes so much, it's so cute

"I'm not that beautiful" she says looking down.

"What seriously Demi you are so beautiful and kind, don't think any different. I really wish people were more like you"
I say taking her hand while looking into her eyes.

I watch as a tear slowly runs down her cheek.

"no please don't cry" i say softly wiping her tears away.

"It's just, I don't believe a lot of people when they say stuff like that to me.
But when you said that, for the first time in awhile, I actually believed it."
Demi say before cupping my cheek and bringing our lips together.

This kiss wasn't like the first one, it was more passionate as to the first one which was demanding and desperate.

I loved the way out lips fit together perfectly.
I wrapped my arms around her neck before pulling her closer to my body.

I had to pull away again before things got to heated.

" I should go, before it gets to late." I say standing up.

"No stay with me tonight, please" she asks with pleading eyes.

"I don't know if that's a good idea Demi" I say thinking about the situation we were just in.

"It'll just involve sleeping and cuddling, maybe some kissing." She says smiling sheepishly.

I look at her still nervous.

"I promise, it won't lead to anything, I'm not going to push you into anything your not ready for.

"Okay i suppose i wouldn't mind someone to cuddle with" I say pulling her upstairs with me.

We climbed into bed after going through the usual nigh routines including showers makeup removal and other stuff like that.

We later down in bed with Demi on her back and me laying on her chest.

"I'm really glad, I decided to explore my feelings, instead of ignoring them"
Demi says playing with my hair.

"I'm really glad you did to, I'm not sure how long i could of coped with just being friends"

" yeah i know what you mean, it was kind hard ignoring the fact that I wanted to kiss you every time I looked at you" she says.

" well now you can kiss me whenever you want" I said kissing her lips before laying back down."

"Goodnight Dems" I say closing my eyes.

"Goodnight babe" Demi says before drifting of into a sleep.

I love the way it sounded when she called me babe.
It felt so right.

The Next Morning

Demi's POV:

I wake up the next morning alone in bed, I start to feel worried.
Maybe I shouldn't of asked her to stay the night, what if I totally freaked her out and now she doesn't want anything to do with me.

I'm totally freaking out now, what have I done.
I'm about to start crying until I hear noises from the kitchen.

I quickly make my way to the kitchen and stand at the walkway while letting out a sigh of relief.
she didn't leave.

She's standing in the kitchen cooking what looks like an omelette and some pancakes.
She looks so cute with a baggy shirt and mini pajama shorts, she has her hair in a bun with glasses on.
I didn't know she wore glasses, I thought.

I smiled at the sight in front of me, I snapped a quick picture before making my presents known.

"I thought you left me" I say in a quie voice, making her jump.

"Holy shit, you scared me, and Demi I would never leave you, i just wanted to make you breakfast she says smiling.

I walk over to her while wrapping my arms around her waist and nuzzling my head into her neck.

"Good because i don't ever want to loose you and aww that's so sweet you didn't have to"

" you want ever loose me and it's nothing I wanted to" she says before kissing me softly and slowly.

I love when she kisses me like this, I love the way it feels.

I just getting into our kiss before we are rudely interrupted by her phone going of on the kitchen bench.

I groan before pulling away, stupid phone I mumble then walk to the bench to eat my breakfast.

Samara looks at her phone before a massive smile appears on her face, she immediately answers it.

" Elijah" she yells happily into the phone.

"Omg really, when?" She questions.

" yes okay yeah i can't wait, I love you too" she says before hanging up.

I'm not gonna lie I was really jealous when she said I love you too.
I don't even know who she was talking to.
I think i need to tone it down with the possessiveness.

"who was that" I ask causally, trying not to be to nosy.

"That was my brother, he's coming to see Me" she says smiling so much.

Omg what, I can't met her brother, what of he doesn't like me.
Or what if he finds out we're together.

"Ohh cool when" I say trying so meats to hide my nerves.

"He'll be here tomorrow" she says.

Holy crap, now I'm freaking out.


Chapter 10 done!

Hole you enjoyed :)


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