~Chapter 17~

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I had my pajamas on and I was ready to go to sleep when I heard a knock on the door. It then creaked open, revealing a head.

"Can I come in?" he asked. I nodded and he fully opened the door, allowing himself to come in.

Mark looked around the messy room, slightly scrunching his face up after looking at the pair of underwear left unattended on the floor. He then looked at the cleanest bed, which happened to be mine, and asked if he could sit on it. I nodded as he made himself comfortable at the foot of my bed.

"So tell me everything about your little date with Jaehyun at the amusement park yesterday," he said in a teasing tone, a smirk clearly evident on his face.

I told him everything that happened- well not everything. I left out the part where we kissed in the ferris wheel. Each event I explained in detail, once again leaving out whatever happened in the ferris wheel. As I was telling him everything that happened like he asked, he had grabbed Jae and hugged it like a little kid who was being told a bed time story. As I neared the end, Mark wore an expression that I couldn't really read.

He squinted his eyes, looking at me as if I'd committed a crime. "You're leaving out something," he said full of suspicion. My eyes darted all over the room as I laughed nervously, trying desperately to avoid any eye contact. "What haha no I totally didn't leave out anything ahaha," he squinted his eyes further before tickling my sides. I got into a laughing fit as Mark screamed "If you don't tell me I won't stop tickling you" over and over again.

Finally, I gave up and raised my hands in surrender saying that I would finally tell him. He stopped and went back to where he was sitting with Jae still in his arms. I took a deep breath before actually telling him everything, this time not forgetting to include the kiss. I could see his excitement grow gradually as the story came to its climax. By the end of it all, he was squealing like a high school girl whose crush just asked her out. I shook my head and chuckled in amusement.

"Oh my god I knew that would happen. Dude honestly, I ship it," he said, clearly teasing me.

The rest of the night, the both of us stayed up to watch some kpop music videos. Since I wasn't that familiar with the kpop industry, Mark offered the introduce me to some bands - specifically his personal favourites. He told me to wait while he went to get his laptop from his room. I sat there, making myself comfortable, waiting for a creature named Mark to come walking through the door with his laptop. When he did come back however, he carried his laptop in his right hand, while balancing a bowl of chips in the other. I rushed to help him before setting everything down and settling ourselves on the bed.

He turned on a variety of groups. From BTS to Btob, he played them all. He helped me get to know the members of each group, letting me slowly pick a bias. We blasted the songs from his laptop as Mark sung along at the top of his lungs. We got interrupted a few times when the boys came in to tell us to quieten down, but we continued jamming nevertheless. When he introduced me to Astro, the first words that came out of my mouth were "They are so cute" Mark laughed and told me to pick a bias. After staring at their faces for what felt like an eternity, I finally picked Rocky.

In the end, the both of us ended up laying on my bed, having a kdrama marathon while eating the chips that he had brought along earlier. We ended up watching 'Strong Woman Do Bong Soo' with Mark fanboying now and then when the main characters shared any sweet moments with each other. He was kind enough to start from episode one although he said he was half-way through the drama. In the middle of the drama, I felt something heavy on my shoulder. I turned to see Mark sleeping. Looking at the sight in front of me, I let out a soft 'aww' before turning off his laptop and putting it on the bedside table.

Not wanting to wake him up, I gently placed his head so that it was resting on the pillow instead of my shoulder. Slowly, I slipped out of bed to switch off the lights before going back to bed and lying down next to Mark. I was looking around for Jae when I saw that Mark had it in his embrace. I picked my phone up from the table to take a picture but stopped when I saw the picture of mine and Jaehyun's intertwined hands on my lockscreen. A smile appeared on my face as I unlocked my phone and went to the camera app. I quickly snapped a picture of the human ball in front of me before putting my phone away and tucking myself into bed.

I remembered that the boys had a music show in a few days because of their comeback. Sighing, I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the next few days. I have to physically and mentally prepare myself for a very hectic schedule ahead.

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