22: Back to His Side

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Yosano: you sure you don't want to return with me?

Amaiko: it's ok. I don't want to hurt them unnecessarily. I'll leave when the time is right.

Yosano: I was worried about you. Don't trust him.

Amaiko: aki-chan...

Yosano: he was the one who asked me to heal you when you almost died.

Amaiko: almost died? From what?

Yosano : he exploded the entire agency.

Amaiko: oh... Tell sachou... To seal it. Sachou knows what I mean.

Yosano: um.

The underlings open the door of the car. Yosano walked passed the car " I'll find a way back myself."

Dazai's phone rings. He flips his phone and listens " Moshi Moshi." He replies as he continues to walk on the streets.

" Da-chan!!"

Dazai: amai-chan.

Amaiko: what happened...?

Dazai: daijobu?
( Are you ok )

Amaiko: um...

Dazai: asking sachou to seal your ability while you're in there. Are you sure it's ok?

Amaiko: um. I can deal with everyone else.

Dazai: everything else but Rin. Neh.

Amaiko: um. ... ... Why do you sound sad?

Dazai: he exploded the agency.

Amaiko: I know... Is... Everyone alright?

Dazai: um. Kunikida-kun is really angry though.

Amaiko: should I come back?

Dazai: you would have left the house when you wanted to. What are you waiting for?

A short moment of silence passed...

Amaiko: ....Da-chan.

Dazai: hm?

Amaiko: Rin... Said he love me...

That made him stopped in his steps. She couldn't know what his face looked like. Nor could he know what he was thinking right now, as she couldn't see his expression.

She paused as her breath sounded heavy... She gripped onto phone nervously... " Asked me... To... Marry him... "

He didn't answer. She didn't say anything. It was just a moment of silence. He didn't know what to reply, neither did she.

Then she broke the silence " I just asked him to cook for me... I was hungry... "

Then her tears fell as she heard something over the phone. It was soft. Hard to hear. Maybe she was right about what she heard. Maybe not... But that sound... She maybe thought she heard... Made her smile.

Dazai opened the door to his apartment. He didn't bothered switching on the light. He just proceeded to his bedroom and laid on his bed with his arms spread out wide.

He reached out to the corner of the bed... That's when he realised the plushie, nira that belonged to amaiko was gone. He sat up to look to that area. It was .... Gone.

He got up and got to the living room to see if it's on the sofa. That's when he spotted someone familiar on his sofa. A She. A She who was hugging nira to sleep. He squatted down beside this She and blowed to her fringe to make it not hinder with her eyes.

She woke up " .... Da-chan. "

Dazai: amaiko.

She turned to face him " why did it take so long for you to return?"

Dazai: still sleeping? You slept for very long already.

Amaiko: don't be like that. I didn't get a good sleep at Rin's. So afraid someone would come in and do something to me.

Dazai: gomen. I thought the agency would have been a better place than mine to stay at. I didn't think... They would go to such extreme measures...

She shakes her head " mmmmm... Da-chan."

Dazai: what is it?

Amaiko: you... Gave a sigh of relief right? Over the phone.

Dazai: you heard that?

She nods " um... That's why I came back immediately." He kissed her forehead " baka."

Baka= idiot.

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