32: Chuuya vs Ohara

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Ohara: so I heard, you hate my ability.

Chuuya: I just know someone very annoying.

Ohara: dazai neh.

Chuuya: oh. So you know. So we're on the same page.

" Not really. " Ohara activates her ability " I'm here to kill you. "

" Eh... " Chuuya cracks his knuckles " me fight a little girl?"

" Little girl shouldn't be underestimated" Ohara charged forward and swings her hand. Chuuya leans backwards a little band retreats in his steps " a blade. Hahaha... Not normal girl. "

" I too... " She charges forward with her blade. He grabs onto her wrist. She drops the blade in that hand of hers and catches it with the other. Chuuya let's go of the grip he had on her and retreats in his steps.

Ohara:  hehe... Like things like that.

Chuuya: eh... You sure remind me of her.

Ohara: amaiko?

Chuuya: hehe. Ohara. Do you think you're better than amaiko?

Ohara: not sure. Is amaiko very good?

" ah. Let's see if you're any good." Chuuya pulls out his gloves and he charges towards Ohara. He throws a punch and she dodges it. She attempts to stab to his arm that had come towards him. The blade went through and he punches her to the face. She held tight onto her blade and she plucks it out as she flies backwards and hits the wall.

She stands up and charges towards him. She swings her blade aiming at his neck. He retreats back steps. He realises he reaches a wall. The girl smirked " got you. " He grabbed onto blade and goes for her face. She dodges and takes out another blade in another hand and goes for his neck.

He grabs that wrist " annoying little girl. "

" Arigato!" She pushes in...

And... He uses his head to bang to her forehead. One hit k.o. She faints.

Chuuya: hmph. I'll show you what's a man.

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