26: The Guy Who...

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Rin rushed to the site...

All he could see was blood... Bodies... And more blood. He walked further in... There he saw a girl sitting onto a two corpses being piled together. More accurately, he saw a a girl sitting on his Family's men. He knew the girl.

Rin: amaiko.

Amaiko: blood. Blood. Blood. It's been long since I've started killing for no real reason... No... I had one... Reason... But the feeling like I had none... It's back...

Rin: is this revenge?

Amaiko: revenge? People like us who dwell in the shadows don't know the word revenge. We do it for benefits. And I... Don't do it for benefits... At least I used not to... For my nii-san... Amaiko. I need you. Teh.

Rin: so it's for revenge.

Amaiko: and you... Don't belong to the shadow . You want revenge. Are you angry? Want to kill me?

Rin: how about you? I killed your friend. Ranpo. Are you going to kill me?

Amaiko: Taking away what's precious... That scheme only I admit feels very shady. Go back to the light, Rin. You belong there. Sensei also wished that .

Rin: tsk... You don't hate me at all? AT ALL?!!!!

Amaiko: hate... I want to. But it's because of me it happened.... I can only say it's my fault. I shouldn't have joined the army. Shady people should have stayed in the shadows. Gomenasai.

Rin: no... Hate me... Hate me!!! HATE ME!!!

Amaiko: hate you... Neh. Do you find me scary?

Rin: no...

Amaiko: I thought so. You like me because I kill... Neh?

Rin: huh?!!

Amaiko : I wasn't the only female who could fight in the army. But I was the few who got to kill on missions I was asked on. To you... I was interesting. To you... I was closer to your mother who killed and was still gentle. To you... I could be saved.

Rin: I want you to HATE ME!!

amaiko: afraid I'll forget you. Sighs. My ability... Kills. There's no meaning in killing. There's no meaning in living. So I used to kill because my nii-san needed me to. Until I met him...

Rin: that DAZAI AGAIN?


Amaiko: nii-san asked me to come kill you. Fukuzawa.

Fukuzawa: a not very subtle assassin.

Amaiko: you're skilled. Then there's no point in playing hide and seek.

Fukuzawa: well said.

Amaiko: nii-san doesn't like your agency. Could you move somewhere else? Out of Yokohama. This way, nii-san won't need to kill you. I won't need to kill you.

Fukuzawa: you don't want to kill me?

Amaiko: there's no meaning in killing. There's no meaning in living either.

Fukuzawa: I see... What kind of meaning are you seeking then?

Amaiko: I don't know. I just know... It's boring... Killing ... Or not killing. Only... Killing brings me a short term adrenaline. And then they die. Maybe you can kill me. Then I won't have to know... Meaning.

Fukuzawa: do you want meaning?

Amaiko: eh?

Fukuzawa: do something good. Live for other's help in need of you. How about that meaning? A meaning without killing.

Amaiko: can... I? I... Killed so many...

Fukuzawa: instead of helping your nii-san . Help me. At least, you make people feel happy. Not just him.

Amaiko: fukuzawa... Can I...?

End of flashback~

Amaiko: that's why... Stop it. If you continue... You're destroying the people who make me happy. I'll then remember you as... The guy who killed my friends. The guy who killed sachou. Not... They guy who used to be my friend.

Rin: you're saying ... You'll forgive me?

Amaiko: I'll pretend it's all my fault. So stop it.

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