Almost Kiss

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Olivia Wrinkled her nose in disgust at Cristiano's latest date, she had lost count how many girls he had brought home in the last week alone. Since she had arrived two weeks ago, he had brought home at least four to six girls back to the house and they all had been exactly the same. Blonde, not much to them and clearly just after one thing money, classic gold diggers she had always thought Cristiano was smarter than that. The one currently sat at the table with Cristiano was annoying her the most, with her high pitched Voice and the giggling, it just made her want to reach over and slap the girl. 

Olivia turned her attention back to her laptop, trying to ignore the happy couple sitting across from her.She was so glad that school was starting up soon, so she could avoid all this she had never thought Cristiano was this bad. 

" Who is your friend?" the annoying girl asked Cristiano. 

Cristiano glanced at Olivia he could see she was not impressed " Olivia is an old friend from back home" he replied, a little irked that Olivia had been ignoring him all morning, he was starting to wonder if he had done anything wrong, but he couldn't think of anything other than the girl sitting beside him right now. Cristiano had spent as much time as he could with Olivia since she arrived two weeks ago, he had spent most of last week helping her settle in but something had clearly upset her this morning, as she had looked in his direction. " How Long is she staying for?" Cristiano's date asked.

Cristiano sipped on his water as he eyed Olivia warily " For a while, she is studying here" he replied, Olivia had not looked up from her laptop even though they were talking about her. 

" Oh okay" the girl replied, sounding anything but happy that Olivia would be sticking around for a while. 

Olivia had enough, she stood up and picked up her belongings " I will leave you guys to enjoy your breakfast" she sneered a little before she left the room and headed upstairs to her room, the girl's voice had been driving her crazy she had to leave the room. 


" Why can't you just tell him how you feel?" Amy asked, over the phone. Olivia had called her female best friend to get some advice on how to deal with her feelings towards Cristiano. 

" I just can't plus these feelings may go away eventually" Olivia replied, not really believing herself either. 

Amy laughed a little " Oh Pull the other one Oli, even a blind man can see how you feel about Ronaldo" she replied. 

" It doesn't matter what I feel, have you seen the girls he dates, I am so not his type" Olivia replied, as she flopped back on her bed. 

Amy snorted a little " You are his type" she sighed, wishing that Olivia would just get it over with and tell Cristiano about her feelings for him, she knew for a fact that the footballer was hiding some feelings himself. 

" I don't want to ruin what we have, Plus I should focus on my studies not on dating" Olivia replied. 

The last thing Olivia needed right now was more man troubles, she wasn't entirely over the whole break up with James yet. 

" You can do both Olivia"" Amy pointed out, she just wanted to see her friend happy. 

Olivia sighed a little " Not now I can't" she mumbled, looking up as her bedroom door opened and in walked a clearly upset Cristiano " I have to go, I will call you later Amy" she said, before hanging up without waiting for a reply, she knew Amy would understand. 


Olivia looked at Cristiano as he stood by the door " Are you okay?" she asked him. 

Cristiano shook his head as he closed Olivia's bedroom door " I should be asking you that" he replied, Olivia had been off with him over the last week and he wanted to know why and he would not leave this room until he found out. 

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