Early Arrival

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Olivia forced a smile on her face as she spotted her parents waiting for her, she hadn't really wanted to come to Portugal for Christmas, as she could do without her mother's smugness, she had been a little too happy when she found out Olivia had broken up with Cristiano. Pushing her sunglasses up onto her head, she made her way over to her parents. 

" Hi Dad" Olivia smiled, as he father hugged her, it had been nearly a year since she had last saw him. 

Jose pulled back from Olivia to look at her " Its so good to see you, how has life been treating you in New York? he asked, as he took Olivia's suitcase. 

" Its been hard, but worth it, I love it there" Olivia lied, the truth she hated being in New York so much,but somehow she had managed to arrange a transfer to one in Madrid, she had still to tell Cristiano but she wanted to see how things were before she told him, 

Anna smiled at Olivia " I knew you would love it there" Anna replied, just glad that her daughter was away from Cristiano, she had been right all along he had broken Olivia's heart, now she just needed Olivia to end things officially with Cristiano, as she already had another man lined up for Olivia. 

" Hi" Olivia greeted her mother, hugging her awkwardly. 

Jose just hoped his wife would not do anything to upset Olivia " So how long do we have you for?" Jose asked, as they made their way to the car.

" A few days, I said to Cristiano I would spend Christmas with him" Olivia replied quietly. 

Anna stopped walking and turned to Olivia, not impressed at what she had just heard, she was wondering why Olivia wanted anything to do with Cristiano after what he did.

" You have to be kidding, that man cheated on, he has a baby on the way with that model do you not have any respect for yourself?" she spat at Olivia 

Jose moved in between his wife and daughter " Anna its Olivia's decision and life how about you respect it" he said firmly, he was aware of his wife's plan to get Olivia to cut all her ties with Cristiano. 

" I won't respect her, if she goes back to him" Anna snapped at her husband. 

Olivia shook her head " This is my choice to make not yours mother" Olivia replied as she stopped at the car, she was two minutes away from turning round and heading straight to Madrid. 

" Don't come running to me when it all goes wrong again, as I am certain it will he is not good for you" Anna yelled at Olivia. 

Jose tried to calm them down, but he knew it was useless neither would back down, He glanced sadly at his daughter, he had wanted to spend time with her, but maybe it was best she went to Madrid to be with Cristiano.

Olivia held her hand out for her suitcase, she couldn't stay here arguing with her mum it just wasn't worth the hassle, she saw that her dad understand, she would try and spend some time with him before she had to go back to New York. 

" Where are you going?" Anna asked.

Olivia looked at her mum " I can see me being here will just cause more problems so I am going to Madrid now" she replied. 

Anna stared at her daughter completely disgusted with her, she couldn't believe Olivia was running back to Cristiano like he hadn't done anything wrong.It was ridiculous.  " You go now, don't bother coming back" she warned Olivia. 

Jose shook his head at his wife he didn't understand why she was pushing their only child away. 

" Fine I will go" Olivia snapped at her mother, before she turned to her father, she felt bad for him being stuck in the middle, she rarely got to see her father because of her mums attitude she ruined everything.

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