This Doesn't Feel Right Anymore

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Olivia smiled at the effort Cristiano had made for her, she had been in Madrid a few days now and things were still a little tense between them. To Olivia's relied Irina mostly stayed out of her which she was happy about, as she didn't want to deal with her right now. She looked at Cristiano not sure what to say to him. She was touched he went to all this trouble for her but she couldn't help but feel he was trying to hard. 

" Why are you doing this?" Olivia asked, the words quickly tumbling out of her mouth she was unsure of Cristiano's motives right now. 

Cristiano smiled at Olivia " I just thought we could spend some time alone, without my family and other stuff being around" he replied. 

By stuff Cristiano clearly meant Irina, since she had arrived in Madrid a few days ago, they already had about five or six arguments and all of them were about Irina, Olivia knew Cristiano was not being honest with himself. 

" Is this your way of trying to tell me you feel nothing for Irina?" Olivia asked with a bitter smile. 

Cristiano rolled his eyes ignoring Oliva's last remark about Irina, it would just end up in another argument and one he didn't want. He just wanted to be close to Olivia again, but she was constantly making it hard for him, at least he knew with Irina what she wanted. 

" I just thought spending some time away from the house and with each other would be nice, but if you want we can go back home" Cristiano said. 

Olivia sighed as she stared down at the blanket, pushing some sand away  then she finally looked up at Cristiano, shaking her head she decided to make an effort. " No lets stay here for a while" she replied, staring out at the ocean in front of her. 


Cristiano watched as Olivia shifted a little closer to him, they had done nothing much but eat and admire the view, they hadn't done much talking now was the time to talk. 

" I think we should talk now" Cristiano said softly, brushing some sand of his shorts. 

Olivia smiled weakly at Cristiano " Yeah we should, I can't keep living like this, I hate feeling like this all the time" she said quietly. 

" What do you mean?" Cristiano asked. 

Olivia knew if  she wanted her marriage to have any chance she would have to be really honest with Cristiano " I don't like New York, never have since I moved there, I only stayed there to spite you" she admitted. 

Cristiano was a little surprised to hear Olivia hated New York, he had thought she loved the city so much " Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, sipping on his water. 

" I really hated you when I first left Manchester, what you did to me, the cheating and then the baby, I just didn't want to admit that I was struggling without my best friend, which was you" she whispered, as her eyes started welling up a little. 

Cristiano hated that she was crying over him again " You should have said something to me" he mumbled. 

Olivia quickly wiped the tears away from her face " You were happy, you were moving to Madrid, and Irina had said you move on with her" he replied. 

Cristiano frowned a little, shaking his head at what Olivia had just told him " Wait, when did you talk to Irina?" he asked. 

" I called you five months ago, because I was missing you and she answered the phone and basically told me you had moved on, that call was why I got my lawyers involved" Olivia smiled bitterly. 

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