Family Time

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Dolores eyes Cristiano suspiciously at their hushed whispers, over the last few days the couple had been totally loved up and really secretive, she knew something was going on and she wanted to know what it was. 

" So why are we having dinner with your parents tonight?" Dolores asked Olivia. 

Olivia suddenly looked up, pushing Cristiano away from her a little, he had barely kept his hands off her since they had got married in secret yesterday.  They didn't want a big fuss and went straight to the local register office and got married. They knew that their families would be upset about what they did, but they would get over it eventually. 

" Cristiano and I have something to share with you all" Olivia replied, she couldn't keep the silly smile off her face. 

Dolores narrowed her eyes at Olivia " You are are not Pregnant are you?" she asked. 

Cristiano rolled his eyes at his mum, he had been expecting that response when Olivia said they had something they wanted to share with their families over dinner. 

" No I am not pregnant" Olivia replied, smiling at the relieved look on Dolores's face. 

Dolores smiled at Olivia " That is good because you are both far too young for that type of commitment" she replied. 

Olivia glanced at Cristiano's he looked a little bemused at Dolore's commitment comment " I guess" Olivia mumbled as her phone started ringing, she glanced down at the screen and groaned it was he mother, they hadn't always seen eye to eye especially after she broke up with James. Apparently James was he perfect man and Olivia had been silly to let him go, those were her mum's words not hers. 

" Hi Mum" she said, getting up to leave room, but Cristiano shook his head and pointed back at her stool, she sighed a little but sat back down. 


" Olivia what time do you want us over at?" Anna asked, she couldn't to see her daughter again, she hadn't seen Olivia since she left for Manchester nearly two years ago. 

Olivia looked at Cristiano he was listening to her conversation " Around seven" she replied

" Okay great, Listen James is home and he would like to see you, would it be okay to bring him with us tonight?" Anna asked, she wanted Olivia to see what she was missing. 

Olivia shook her head she was sick of her family trying to push James onto her " Mum how many times do I have to tell you I am with Cristiano, I am really happy with him" she replied, ignoring cristiano's raised eyebrow he obviously heard the James bit of the conversation. 

" You maybe happy Olivia now, but he is a footballer he will hurt you its in their DNA" Anna sighed, she liked Cristiano but only when he had been just friends with Olivia, she didn't think he was a good enough boyfriend. 

Olivia glared at  the wall in front of her just wanting to throw something at it " I am not getting back with James, the sooner you accept that the better" she muttered. 

" So I guess that is a no to inviting him then?" Anna asked, slightly disappointed. 

Olivia sighed deeply " " Invite him if you must" Olivia replied, she wanted them all to see how happy she was with Cristano, she had moved on it was about time her mother and James did the same. 

" Well I guess I will see you tonight" Anna said, pleased that she had gotten her way again. 

Olivia heard the smugness in her mother's voice she wouldn't be so smug tonight " See you tonight bye" she replied, then hung up conversations with her mother never did go well at the best of times. 

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