You Should Go To New York

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Olivia eyed warily Cristiano as they finally sat down to have a chat, after spending the last few days of avoiding each other. She just hoped this talk did not end in an another argument, its all they have been doing lately fighting and she was tired of it. 

Cristiano couldn't even look at Olivia without feeling guilty he knew he had to tell Olivia he had cheated on her, but he couldn't get the words to come out of his mouth. 

" You should go to New York" Cristiano finally said, he knew he was being selfish wanting to keep her by all his side all the time. Olivia also had a career and he had to support that as much as had supported him over the years. 

Olivia was a little surprised at Cristiano's change in attitude " I thought you didn't want me to go" she replied. 

" I don't want you to go, but you need to go, if you don't you will only resent me and I don't want that" he replied.

Olivia was feeling a little nervous, just yesterday Cristiano was saying they were over if she went to New York. " You said we were done f I went" she smiled wryly at him. 

" I didn't mean it, I was being stupid, it will be difficult but we can make this work" Cristiano replied, he hardly failed at anything and he was going try so hard not to fail at Marriage although he took a huge step in that direction when he slept with Irina. 

Olivia smiled at Cristiano glad he had come round " We will make this work, I love you" she said, walking over to him and hugged him. 

Cristiano slowly pulled away from Olivia he knew he had to tell her before she heard from someone else " I need to tell you something, you are going hate me after I tell you" he said quietly. 

Olivia frowned a little not liking where this conversation was heading " Go on" she whispered. 

" After out fight the other night, I slept with Irina" Cristiano confessed, as he closed his eyes, he couldn't bear to see the hurt in Olivia's eyes. 

Olivia shook her head, refusing to believe Cristiano he would hurt her like that " you wouldn't do that, you promised, you said you loved me" she mumbled, moving away from Cristiano. 

Cristiano heard the hurt in Olivia's voice he opened his eyes to look at her, he moved towards her, but she pushed him away from him, not wanting him anywhere near her, she was totally disgusted with him. 

" I am sorry, It meant nothing, I was upset..... he trailed off at the look Olivia gave him. 

Olivia shook her head here she was worrying about their marriage and there Cristiano was wrecking it " You were so upset so you just had to head straight for her bed" she snapped at him. 

" I am so sorry, you have to believe me, I love you" Cristiano stumbled over his words, he knew he was about to lose Olivia. 

Olivia smiled bitterly at Cristiano " You wouldn't have slept with her if you loved me so much, some part of you must have wanted her, god I am such an idiot" she ranted at Cristiano. 

" I was upset and scared that I was going to lose you" Cristiano  said quietly, he wanted to make things right before Olivia went to New York. 

Olivia noticed he didn't bother to deny her accusation of him wanting Irina " Well you are about to ,lose me now, I am done" she yelled, as she roughly took her rings off and chucked them at Cristiano, they meant very little to her now. 

" Please Oli, don't do this, you know how much I love you" Cristiano begged, as he stared at Olivia's rings lying on the ground. 

Olivia looked at Cristiano,  It was  a bad mistake even though she was as mad as hell at him, a part of her wanted to hug him and tell everything was going to be okay, but everything was not okay and would never be okay again. 

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