Distance and Lies

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Olivia bit down on her lip as she read the article in the magazine in front of her, she didn't know why she was punishing herself by reading it. Irina had clearly gone to the press and announced she was carrying Cristiano's child, which annoyed Olivia. She knew everyone would have found out eventually but it still hurt reading about it. The magazine had briefly mentioned her name they thought she was still with Cristiano, she laughed bitterly at that as she closed the magazine and pushed it away from her. She still felt sick when she thought about Irina and Cristiano playing happy families, she had been in New York a month now and she still hadn't spoken to him, so maybe he have given up on her. 

Olivia had meant to call but she always kept forgetting  as was settling into New York and her classes were taking up most of her time these says. 

" I take it you are not a fan?" Kate asked, as she stared at the magazine that Olivia had pushed aside. 

Olivia looked up at Kate, she hadn't heard her come in to the room, she still hadn't told them about her history with Manchester and she didn't think she would. 

" Not really, I was just glancing through the magazine" Olivia lied, as she picked at her half eaten bagel. 

Kate smiled a little " Never thought I would see the day that Ronaldo settled down with  a baby, the last I heard he was happy with his Portuguese girlfriend and that girl was not a model" Kate saiid. 

Olivia shifted a  little uncomfortably not really wanting to keep talking about Cristiano and Irina " The Media just gossip, nobody really knows the truth" Olivia smiled, as she got to her feet. 

Kate watched Olivia closely there was something that had made her a little closed off and she knew it was none of her business but she could see that Olivia was in a lot of pain even if she refused to admit it. 

" If you need to talk I am a good listener unlike Amelia" Kate said, offering Olivia a small smile. 

Olivia smiled back at Kate " I will keep that in mind, I need to get ready for Class" Olivia said, her smile a little forced. She knew Kate meant well but she didn't know her that well enough to start confiding in her yet. 


Olivia groaned loudly as she flopped down on her bed, she was tired her classes had been really intense today and she just wanted to sleep. Closing her eyes she started to drift off to her,then her phone started vibrating making her open her eyes, she picked up her phone and answered it without looking at caller ID. 

" Hello" she mumbled sleepily. 

" Olivia its me" Cristiano replied gently. 

Olivia was silence for a couple of seconds, she wasn't sure what to say to him, she had promised him she would call him once she had settled in, yet a month later she had still to call him. 

" Olivia are you still there?" Cristiano asked, after a long pause. 

Olivia slowly sat up " Yeah, I am sorry I wasn't expecting you to call" she replied, feeling a little awkward. 

" Well I got fed of waiting for you to call me" Cristiano snapped back at Olivia.

Olivia sighed deeply " I am sorry about that I was busy with class" Olivia lied, truth be told she could have made time to call him, she just didn't want to. 

Cristiano muttered something under his breath, he knew Olivia was lying, he just wanted things to either Improve between them or they called it quits for good. 

" I am sorry abut the article in the press" Cristiano said. 

Olivia laughed bitterly " Your girlfriend didn't hang around did she" Olivia spat angrily. 

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