The Drama Keeps On Coming

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Olivia grabbed her bag and headed towards the door, she was planning on spending the day with Rebecca,like she had being doing for the past week, ever since she had been rejected by Cristiano, she had managed to avoid him all week, but it wasn't that hard as He had football commitments that she barely saw Him in the last week. Things were getting so bad that even Dolores was starting to realize something was up between the pair of them.

Just as Olivia went to open the door, it was pushed shut by Cristiano, she could smell his aftershave, she sighed before she slowly turned around to face her stupid boyfriend. 

" What are you doing?" she shrieked loudly at Cristiano, attempting to pull the door open again, but Cristiano wouldn't allow her to open the door. 

Cristiano smiled at Olivia, he knew she had been deliberately avoiding him and after what happened last week in his room he had given her some space, but not anymore he wanted to talk things over. He felt bad for how he handed the situation it could have been handled better. 

" I am stopping you from leaving" Cristiano replied, a little tired of Olivia giving him the cold shoulder, they had to sort this out now. 

Olivia glared at Cristiano " I have classes I need to get too she lied, hoping that would get him to remove his arm from the door. 

" No you don't I have already checked" Cristiano smiled. 

Olivia huffed a little " What are you stalking me now?" she asked, still angry with him about that night in his room. 

" I wouldn't have to you if you would just talk to me" Cristiano muttered angrily, as he pulled her into  his gym. 

Olivia shook her head as she leaned against the wall, keeping a safe distance between herself and Cristiano " There is a reason why I am not talking to you" she snapped back at him. 

" I know and I want to explain" Cristiano he said gently. 

Olivia laughed coldly " Okay please explain to me, why you thought walking out on me  would be a good idea, after we had sex, after I told you I  love you  this should be good" she smiled sarcastically. 

Cristiano took a step closer to his upset girlfriend he knew it would take more than a few simple words to make things right again. " I just panicked" he admitted. 

Olivia stared at Cristiano giving nothing away " Go on" she encouraged. 

" I never had a girl say they loved me and I never had to say it back, you telling me you love me had taken me by surprise" Cristiano smiled nervously.

Olivia sighed a little " It doesn't make what you did right, you just let me alone after I told you I loved you" she yelled at him. 

" Of course it doesn't make what I did right, I shouldn't done it, but I just freaked out" Cristiano replied. 

Olivia's face softened a little she wasn't about to let him of the hook so easily she wanted to know what he felt for her, she had to know they were on the same page. " So What do you freel for me?" she asked.

Cristiano closed the distance between them, he could see on Olivia's face that she believed he didn't love her, she didn't think he would say those three words " My actions should prove how I feel, but if you want those words then here they are, I love you Olivia" he rambled. 

A slow smile appeared On Olivia's face, she wanted to make him sweat a few more days, but truth be told she couldn't, she had missed him over the last week, it felt strange not talking to him.

" I love you too" she replied, pulling Cristiano into a hug. 


Olivia laid beside Cristiano later that night on the sofa, after making up for lost time, they had decided to watch a film together, but Cristiano kept distracting her by kissing her neck, she was still a little annoyed with him about the whole I love you but I panicked that she really was not in the mood for what was on his mind right now. 

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