Ineed Space

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Olivia smiled a little as she packed for New York, she was a little excited about heading there, things with Cristiano was still pretty rocky, so she was kinda glad that she was leaving today, maybe a little space between them would be good for both of them. Olivia had meant it when she said she would give him a second chance, but she was still struggling to move on from his betrayal. The last few weeks she knew Cristiano was getting annoyed with the lack of affection from her, she still refused to sleep with him, she just couldn't get the images of Irina and Cristiano out of her head whenever they tried to get intimate.

Olivia stared down at her rings,she had put them back on her hand a couple of days ago but they just felt so wrong now. She was beginning to wonder more and more if they had gotten married to young She had been doing that a lot lately. She was doubting everything and she blamed Cristiano for it. Sighing to herself, she closed the last of her suitcases and looked around the room to see if she had missed anything, her eyes landed on her a photo of her and Cristiano in happier times. She picked it up and placed it in her bag. 

The bedroom opened and Cristiano walked in with a worried look on his face, he wouldn't even look at Olivia so she knew something was up. He had just been at training so it was probably Rooney that had put him in a mood.

" Are you okay?" Olivia asked. 

Cristiano gulped nervously he had been told something that was going to make things more difficult for Olivia, he knew what he was about to tell her would probably end their relationship, but Olivia had a right to know he was going to be a father in eight months time 

" I don't know how to say this" Cristiano stuttered a little nervously. 

Olivia heart jumped a little, hoping that he hadn't betrayed her again, he had the same look on his face when he had told her about his night with Irina. 

" Come on Spit it out, I need to leave soon" Olivia  muttered, glaring at Cristian, as she placed her hands on her hip, bracing herself for the worst. 

Cristiano flinched at Olivia's tone she couldn't blame Olivia for thinking the worst, he had made her assume the worst. " Irina's Pregnant" he said quietly, his eyes looking anywhere but Olivia. 

A horrible silence fell across the room, Olivia shook her head in disbelief , she couldn't believe what she was hearing, how could he do this too her. 

" How could you be so stupid" Olivia yelled at Cristiano, as she began to hit his chest a couple of times, she was so angry with him. Cristiano stood and took Olivia's anger knowing he deserved it. 

Cristiano tried to wrap his arm around his distraught wife, but she roughly pushed him away " I am so sorry, I never wanted this" he said,  this was the thing he wanted to tell her before she headed to New York. 

Olivia glared coldly at Cristiano this was too much, she wasn't sure if she could still be with him, his child would be a constant reminder of his night with Irina. 

" I need to leave now" Olivia mumbled. 

Cristiano looked at his watch, he knew she didn't have to leave for another couple of hours, they still had a few hours to talk " We need to talk about this Olivia" he pleaded. 

Olivia shook her head " There isn't much to talk about, you cheated now you are having a baby with that woman" she yelled at him " How are we supposed to get past that Huh?" she continued to yell at him. 

" We are strong, I love you, we can make this work" Cristiano replied, he was panicking a little, and was little worried that the way Olivia was looking at him with such hate in her eyes, he feared that he had lost her for good. 

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