Can't Control Me

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Olivia stared down at the letter she held her her hands,   reading it over again, she was furious she couldn't believe Cristiano would stoop this low. Shaking her head she glanced at Jorge Mendes who had dropped the letter off at the house, she knew he wasn't at fault but since Cristiano was not standing in front of her she would take her anger out on him. 

" I refuse to even agree to this" Olivia spat angrily as she threw the letter back at Jorge. 

Jorge sighed loudly he had warned Cristiano he was playing with fire when he asked him to get a court order to say Olivia had to stay in Madrid to have their baby. He wasn't surprised that Olivia was angry. 

" You don't really have a choice that is a court order" Jorge replied. 

Olivia shook her head she couldn't believe he would do this too her " I have a life back in New York I just can't up and leave" she said.

" Cristiano has sorted that for you, you can finishing your studies after you have had the baby" Jorge said.

Olivia glared at Jorge " He can't control my life, we aren't even together" she snapped at him. 

" You are still married to him and carrying his child, he has every right to see his child as much as you do" Jorge replied. 

Olivia  looked towards her parents, her mum looked as angry as she felt while her dad just looked concerned. 

" I need to go and speak to him" Olivia muttered, as she picked up her bag and keys. She was not taking this, he couldn't control her life like this. 

Jose stopped Olivia " You are angry right now are you sure that going to talk to him right now would be such a wise idea?" he asked. 

" I don't care, he can't keep doing this to me" she replied. 

Jorge offered to take Olivia over to the house, which she reluctantly accepted " I will be fine" she told her father, who keep staring at her with  a worried look on his face. 

" You go and give that arrogant footballer a piece of your mind" Anna said with a sly smile, she hoped that Cristiano's recent actions would finally push Olivia away from him. 

Olivia just smiled at her mother before she followed Jorge out of the house, she was thinking what she would say to Cristiano when she got to his house, she may not say anything, she may actually just kill him. 


Olivia walked into the house, straight past a surprised Dolores " Where is he?" she asked.

Hugo grinned at the look on Olivia's face his stupid brother had pissed her off again when would he ever learn " He is in the gym"  he said. 

Olivia thanked Hugo and headed straight the gym, she didn't even bother knocking, she just stormed in, and startled Irina.  " Where is he?" she asked. 

Irina frowned at Olivia she didn't like the fact she was still around and now she was pregnant she was even more of a threat to her relationship with Cristiano. " He went for a shower" Irina said. 

 Olivia turned to go " Wait you can't just go up to his room" Irina called after her. 

" Why not, its not like I haven't seen it all before " she snapped at Irina, before leaving the gym and headed upstairs. 

Olivia just walked straight into Cristiano's bedroom, he was just coming out of his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, he looked up at his door thinking it was Irina, the smile froze on his face when he realized it wasn't Irina. 

" I assume you are here about the letter" Cristiano said, as he walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out clothes. 

Olivia stared at Cristiano, he didn't care that he was messing everything up for her again, just was as long as he got what he wanted. 

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