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Olivia was relieved when Portugal lost 1-0 to France and then 3-1 to Germany, the press had been all over Cristiano's wink and wouldn't let it drop the English media was so unforgiving so she was glad that the football was now done, they could escape and get away from troubles for a little while. As soon as Cristiano had played his last game, they packed their things and went straight home to Portugal.

Cristiano was on edge, he couldn't relax around anyone, he was still adamant he was leaving Manchester Olivia thought he would calm down but every day he just seemed to get more and more Upset. She rolled her eyes as Cristiano watched the England game again, he had watched it like a thousand times already and it wasn't helping him, it just made him worse. 

Olivia took matters into her own hands, she reached for the remote and switched the TV off, he glared at her " I was watching that" he spat moodily.

Olivia shook her head at him " You have watched it over and over again, its not helping you let it go Cristiano" she replied, as she sat down next to him.

" How can I let it go I have managed to make a whole country hate me" Cristiano yelled at her. 

Olivia was struggling not to snap back at Cristiano, she was getting a little tired of his mood swings, he was yelling at her a lot these says and she was getting sick of it. 

" They don't hate you, this will blow over" Olivia replied. 

Cristiano shook his head " Its been almost three weeks and I am still all over the front pages, that is not blowing over" he snapped at her. 

Olivia rolled her eyes " You know the way I see it you can either  stay here and sulk like a big baby or you can come and find me and we will do something normal like have fun" she snapped at him, before she left the room nothing and nobody was getting Cristiano  to move from that couch anytime soon. 


Olivia stepped into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water " I tried" she said to Dolores, who smiled weakly back at Olivia, she was at her wits end with her son's attitude. 

Olivia was surprised to see Alex Ferguson sitting beside Dolores, she smiled at him hoping he could talk some sense into his player, because nobody else could. 

" Do you mind if I try?" Alex asked, he wasn't about to lose one of his best players over something so silly. 

Olivia shook her head as she sat down next to Dolores " Go head and good luck because Cristiano really is a nightmare right now" she muttered. As Alex left the kitchen to go and talk to Cristiano. " I really hope he somehow gets through to Cristiano" Olivia muttered, picking up an apple and angrily bit down on it. 

" Alex has a way with Cristiano I am sure he will calm him down" Dolores replied confidently, as she looked at Olivia, she could see the tiredness on her face and knew the last few weeks had been hard on her too.  " Why don't you get some rest, you could use some" Dolores suggesed. 

Olivia sighed a little as she got to her feet " Maybe latter, I am going head down to the beach clearly my head a little" she replied. 

" Do you want some company?" Dolores asked. 

Olivia shook her head " I just want to be on my own for a while" she answered, offering Dolores a small smile, hoping she would understand. 

" Of course you do" Dolores smiled. 

Olivia pulled a jumper on " Thanks I will be back soon" she replied, as she walked out the house, leaving her phone and bag behind. Dolores watched Olivia leave and she felt bad for the girl, she had been Cristiano's verbal punch bag for the last two weeks and if he was not careful he could lose the best thing that ever had happened to him. He had a lot of making up to do when he finally snapped out of his current mood. 

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