Lets Take It Slow

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Olivia stared at James, Mixed emotions running through her, he was a big part of her life the last few years, she couldn't believe he had left Portugal to come and see her. She glanced at Cristiano and could see he was not happy about the situation. 

" Can you gives us a few minutes?" she asked, looking at Dolores and Cristiano. 

Dolores nodded and walked out the room straight way, Cristiano glared at James the looked at  Olivia " Go Cristiano, I will be okay" she said. 

" Fine but remember what we just talked about" He muttered, as he walked out the room, leaving Olivia alone with James, she walked over to the door and closed it.

" What was he talkng about Oli?" James asked, a little curious she could see he had just walked in on something, something had changed between Cristiano and Olivia. 

Olivia sighed a little as she looked at James " That really is none of your Business" she snapped at him. " Why are you here?" she asked, staring at her ex boyfriend. 

" I want you back, I realized I made a mistake and was a little too hasty breaking up with you" James smiled, as he stepped towards Olivia, hoping he was not too late. 

Olivia took a step back from James, he frowned at her wondering if he was already too late " You made the right decision breaking up with me, we were never right together" she said, sitting down on the tool.

" We could be Oli, we were happy for a while" James replied. 

Olivia nodded her head they were happy but things changed " We were then things started to get messy" she smiled sadly.

" I thought you would be jumping back in my arms, what has changed Olivia?" James asked.

Olivia stared at James, he deserved to know the truth but she couldn't bring herself to say it " Nothing has changed, I have to Manchester for a new start I suggest you go back to Portugal" she answered politely. 

This has got something to do with Ronaldo" James muttered unhappily. 

Olivia shook her head " This has nothing to do with Cristiano, we were never going work out" she replied. 

" Really, That is why as soon as I broke up with you, you went running back to him" James smiled bitterly.  He wasn't stupid he could see what was going on.

Olivia ran her hand through her hair " James he is my best friend of course I would want to spend time with him" she said quietly. 

" Just be honest with me Oli, you want Ronaldo more don't you?" James asked. 

Olivia was beginning to lose her patience with James " That really is none of your business all you need to know is that we are not getting back together" she snapped at him. 

" I always knew that I would lose you to  him" James said, as he leaned against the wall. 

Olivia stared down at her hands " You breaking up with me is what caused you to lose me not Cristiano" she pointed out. 

" Oh please stop lying to me, I know you love him, I have always known" James fired angrily. 

Olivia stared at James in Surprise " You aren't very good at hiding your emotions  Olivia" James continued to rant bitterly. 

" This is getting us nowhere, we are over, you should move on" Olivia sighed, as she opened the door for James to leave. 

James walked towards the door, he stopped in front of Olivia " He will break your heart, its just the type of player he is" James smiled cruelly, leaving his parting Shot. He couldn't get Olivia back so he wanted her to doubt Cristiano evey day.

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