Oh How Thoughtful Of You

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" What do you mean you are not keeping it?" Cristiano asked quietly. 

Olivia stared at the wall in front of her " Do I have to spell it out for you?" she asked. 

" Olivia I have just lost a child, please don't make me lose another" Cristiano said, reaching for her hand, but she pulled it away from him. 

Olivia heard the pain in Cristiano's voice and she felt sorry for him, then she remembered how he had treated at his house before Christmas and that feeling went away pretty quickly. 

" I can't have a baby right now Cristiano, I need to focus on passing med school" Olivia replied. 

Cristiano stared at Olivia " You can still do that?" he said. 

Olivia shook her head " No I can't, I don't want this baby" she lied, just trying to push him back to Irina in Madrid, she needed him to believe her. He really couldn't be thinking of this baby when Irina was still grieving the loss of theirs. 

" We can make this work" Cristiano replied weakly. 

Olivia laughed loudly " Like we made our marriage work?" she retorted. 

" What do you want from me, say it and I will do it" Cristiano said. 

Olivia looked at Cristiano " I want you to leave me alone, go back to Madrid, this baby isn't happening" she muttered. 

Cristiano stared at Olivia hurt that she was planning to get rid of their child " If you doing this to get back at me please don't, its not the baby's fault I am a idiot" he smiled a little. 

" Cristiano I don't want you here, I don't want you near me what part don't you get " she yelled at him. 

Olivia turned her back on Cristiano, hoping he would listen to her and leave, she didn't need him in her life she could do this without him. 

" If you do this, I will never forgive you" Cristiano warned. 

Olivia looked back at him " I can live with that now get the hell out of my room" she hissed at him. 

Cristiano sighed as he made his way out of the room,he stopped at the door " I guess we are finally done with each other" he said harshly, then walked away vowing never to forgive Olivia. 

Olivia sat up and quickly wiped the tears that fell down her face, she had done the right thing, for him, but what about the baby she thought he or she deserved to know their father. Oh god what had she done. 

" Where is Ronaldo going?" Kate asked, as she stepped back into the room. 

Olivia stared at Kate and then burst into tears " Oh my god I only left you two for half an hour what happened?" she asked, as she hugged Olivia. 

" I told Cristiano I didn't want the baby so he would go back to Madrid, his place is there not here" Olivia said, in between crying.

Kate couldn't believe what she was hearing " Why would you lie about not wanting the baby?" she asked. 

" Irina just lost a baby, she doesn't need me turning up with a new baby for him does she?" Olivia whispered. 

Kate could kinda understand where Olivia was coming from, but Cristiano still had a right to know his child " You can't keep this baby away from Cristiano, he will find out you lied to him" she warned. 

" I need to do what is best for everyone" Olivia mumbled as she wiped her face again, getting a little tired of all the crying she had being down lately. 


Olivia was cleared to go home the next day, she just wanted her bed, a crappy film and some ice cream, she was driven home by Kate, Cristiano had not come back to the hospital, so Olivia had assumed he had gone home. It was probably for the best. 

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