Real Madrid

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Olivia flinched a little as Cristiano placed his arm around her shoulders, she was still upset and a little off with him, but had agreed to come and support him at United's Annual awards Ceremony. 

" You could try and look like you are happy to be here" Cristiano whispered into her ear. 

Olivia glanced at Cristiano she didn't know what more he wanted from her, she was trying to forgive him for his one night stand with Irina " How is his?" she asked, forcing a big fake smile onto her face. 

" Scary" Cristiano muttered, making Olivia laugh a little, Cristiano was relieved to hear her laugh, he hadn't heard it once in the last week and he had missed it. Cristiano's arm fell away from Olivia's waist and he took her hand instead and led her inside to where the rest of the team were. He smiled and said hello to a few of his teammates.

Cristiano stopped to talk to Wayne for a few minutes much to Olivia's dismay, she was never ever going to like the footballer.  After what seemed longer than what it was, Cristiano finally led Olivia to their table, he pulled a chair out for her, she offered him a small smile and sat down 

Olivia knew Cristiano was trying to make things right again, she had to give him credit for that, over the last week he had worked hard at trying to win her over again, she could feel herself start to melt towards him, but she wanted to make him work for her a little bit longer. 

" There is an after party if you want to go that that" Cristiano said hopefully as he placed his hand around the back of Olivia's chair. 

Olivia shook her head, she wasn't in the mood to spend time with Cristiano's teammates, not that she didn't like them, but she would rather focus on repairing the damage Cristiano had caused to their relationship. She was heading to New York in three weeks and she didn't want to leave on bad terms. 

" I would rather we just went home and watched a film or something" Olivia whispered. 

Cristiano sighed a little, he had wanted to go out tonight but if Olivia wanted to stay in he knew that he would also have to stay in. " Okay" he agreed. 

Olivia saw the look on Cristiano's face he clearly wanted to go out " You can go out if you want" she offered, testing him a little. 

" No I would rather be with you" Cristiano replied, as he stared down at his phone in his hands. 

Olivia followed Cristiano's stare and wondered if he was thinking about Irina, she shook her head needing to stop thinking about the model. She leaned over and kissed Cristiano;s cheek it was the first bit of affection she had given him all week. Cristiano smiled softly at Olivia, feeling that maybe his marriage was not that doomed after all. 


" Congrats on your awards" Olivia smiled, as Cristiano walked towards her, he had won fans best player and players best player awards. 

Cristiano beamed back at Olivia " Thanks" he said, leaning down to give Olivia a quick kiss, he pulled away only for Olivia to pull him back to give him another kiss. 

" What was that for?" he asked, pulling away. 

Olivia just shrugged her shoulders " I just felt like kissing you" she replied, she was still hurting over Cristiano's betrayal but she knew that she wasn't entirely blameless in the break down of their relationship, she had allowed distance to creep in between them over the last few months. 

" You can kiss me whenever you want" Cristiano replied, moving in for another kiss. 

A loud cough Pulled Cristiano away from Olivia " Put her down Ronnie" Wayne said smugly. 

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