Missed Appointment

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Olivia rolled her eyes  at yet another scan appointment Cristiano had missed, he had promised he would be at this one after missing the previous one, but he had broke his promise yet again, she wasn't sure why she was surprised, since Irina had arrived back from New York last week he had been making a point of spending  all his free time with the model, which frustrated Olivia because she wanted Cristiano to attend these appointments with her. 

Cristiano didn't even have training today so he couldn't even that as an excuse she knew what was keeping him away and it annoyed her more than it should. She didn't understand why he had forced her to move to Madrid if he was just going spend most of his time ignoring her, he had made sure she had settled quickly into life in Madrid, but after those first couple of weeks he slowly but surely kept his distance from her. 

" Olivia"

Olivia tore away from her Cristiano thoughts and looked up at the nurse calling her name, she smiled a little as she stood up and glanced around once more for Cristiano, but there was no sign of him, he was not coming today and that disappointed her. 

" Will the father be joining us today?" The nurse asked, as Olivia stepped into the room. 

Olivia shook her head and put her bag down on the floor and climbed onto the bed " He is too busy" she replied bitterly.

" Oh well, he will just have to be happy with a scan picture" the nurse smiled. 

Olivia just laughed a little he would be lucky to even get a picture " I guess" she mumbled. 

The nurse smiled as she walked towards Olivia " So how have you being feeling?" she asked, prodding Olivia's stomach softly " Any problems?" she added. 

Olivia shook her head " I had bad morning sickness but that has eased up and I feel good" she replied. 

" That is what I like to hear, well I Just want to check your blood and maybe your blood pressure and then we will have a look at baby" the nurse smiled. 

Olivia smiled a little as she turned her face away from the nurse she hated the sight of needles going into her arm, she grimaced a little at the feeling of the needle going into her arm. 

" There all done" the Nurse smiled. 

Olivia slowly turned her face " I just hate needles" she mumbled. 

" Yeah I get that from everyone" the nurse laughed lightly as she went to check Olivia's blood pressure. 

Olivia watched the nurse quietly as she took her blood pressure " You blood pressure is a little high so I just want to keep an eye on it, so I will probably will see you again in a couple of weeks" the nurse said, not wanting to totally freak Olivia out. 

Olivia sighed, she knew why her blood pressure was high, it was because of Cristiano and his selfish behavior. Shaking her head she decided she was going to have words with him when she got back to the house, he either started taking an interest in their unborn child or she was leaving Madrid, she was not going stick around while he ignored her to keep his stupid girlfriend happy. 

" Now lets check on baby" the nurse smiled, as she pushed Olivia's shirt up and poured some gel onto her stomach. 

Olivia glanced at the monitor and her bad mood disappeared when the image of her baby appeared on screen, she smiled gently at the image. 

" Would you like to know the sex?" the nurse asked. 

Olivia had wanted to wait and for it to be a surprise on her due date but she decided she wanted to know " Yes I would like to know" she replied. 

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