Making It Official

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Dolores narrowed her eyes at Olivia, there was something different about her, she couldn't put her finger on what it was though all she knew was Olivia was smiling a lot more these days and she would drift into her own little world sometimes. 

" Do you have school today?" Dolores asked. 

Olivia looked up from reading this morning's newspaper "Yes but not until this afternoon, morning classes were canceled" she replied, then stared down at the article that had her interest a few minutes a go. 

" Are things okay with you and Cristiano, I heard you yelling at him last night" Dolores pressed lightly, wanting to know what was going on. 

Olivia smiled a little " Yes we sorted that out, it was over something stupid everything is fine... Olivia trailed off when she came across an article about Cristiano. Some girl had done a kiss and tell on him, she quickly read through the article and breathed a sigh of relief, as she realized the girl was lying about Cristiano. As the night she said she had been with Cristiano, he had been at home with Olivia. 

" What were you arguing about?" Dolores asked, knowing it was really none of her business. 

Olivia closed the paper and pushed it towards Dolores " It was about Rooney, have you seen this?" she asked. 

Dolores rolled her eyes at the article, she was used to the English media writing lies about her son, pushing the paper aside, she looked at Olivia " Why were you fighting about Wayne?" she asked, Dolores didn't like Wayne that much, she just tolerated him because he played with Cristiano.

" He was just being a disgusting creep and I told Cristiano he could find better friends than him" Olivia said, as she glanced at her watch, Cristiano should be home before she had to leave for her afternoon classes. 

" I should get ready for my classes" Olivia said, getting to her feet and headed for the door. 

Dolores watched Olivia go " Olivia" she called out  softly, making Olivia stop and look back at her " You know I am here if you ever want to talk about anything" she said.

" I know and thanks" Olivia smiled, she felt bad for lying to Dolores about her relationship with Cristiano, but she just wanted him to herself for a few more weeks before they told everyone.


Cristiano walked into the showers after training, he had yet to talk to Wayne about Olivia, Wayne had been avoiding him all morning. He was annoyed about Wayne making a move on Olivia, he knew that his teammate was not the most trust worthy but to try and kiss his girlfriend while Coleen was standing yards away was disgusting. Olivia was right about Wayne he didn't need friends like that.Wrapping a towel around  his waist as he walked back to his locker after his shower, he heard Wayne laughing with Ryan Giggs, he ignored them and continued to his locker. 

" Oi Ronnie are you coming out tonight?" Wane asked.

Cristiano stared coldly at Wayne before he pulled his white t shirt over his head, he just wanted to get dressed and leave without getting into any arguments. 

" Ronnie what has gotten into you today, you have barely said two words all day" Wayne said, as he walked towards Cristiano, he had noticed that Cristiano had been off with him all morning, the crunching tackle he received from Cristiano the proof of that. 

" You is what has gotten into me" Cristiano replied, no warmth in his words, letting Wayne know he was not kidding around. 

Wayne forced a laugh as he moved to sit next to Cristiano " Has this got something to do with Olivia?" he asked, hoping she hadn't told Cristiano about the other night. 

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