What Do You Want From Me?

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Olivia groaned as she laid on the nice cold floor, her morning sickness had been awful and she hadn't left the bathroom all the morning. She closed her eyes just wanting the feeling to pass. 

" Olivia are you okay in there?" Kate asked, as she knocked on the door. 

Slowly getting to her feet, Olivia brushed her teeth, staring at herself in the mirror she looked awful, this was all Cristiano's fault she decided, as she  frowned as she thought of him, it had been a couple of says since she had chucked him out of the apartment, and she had heard nothing from him, well what did she seriously expect when she yelled at him and kept trying to push him back to Madrid. 

" Olivia?" Kate called out again. 

Olivia finished brushing her teeth and wiped her face, before she walked over to the door and pulled it open " I am so tired of being sick" she mumbled, as she pushed past Kate. 

" What set you of this time?" Kate asked. 

Olivia made her way back to the sofa, she sat down and pulled the blanket over her body " I had some orange Juice, seems baby does not like orange juice" she replied. 

" You will just have to avoid Orange Juice Kate smirked. 

Olivia sighed, hating giving up stuff she liked, she couldn't even eat fish or eggs anymore, Two of her favorite foods and just the thought of it was making her feel sick. 

" Have you got class today?" Kate asked. 

Olivia shook her head, her classes had been canceled for the day " No I don't, which is good because I feel totally rubbish today" she replied. 

" Maybe you should use today to speak with Cristiano" Kate suggested. 

Olivia groaned a little not wanting to talk about Cristiano right now, she hoped he had done what she suggested and went back to Madrid. 

" If I talk to him right now, it will just end in another argument, all we do is fight when we are around each, we never used to be like that Until Irina came along" Olivia smiled sadly. 

Kate sat next to Olivia " You never told me how guys got together" she smiled. 

" There is not much to tell, we grew up together really good friends, he was my first then he moved to Manchester and it was only when I moved there that we got together" she  replied. 

Katie smiled at how Olivia's face softened a little whenever she talked about Cristiano, she may say she didn't care about him now but she could see that was just Olivia's way of protecting herself. 

" So what went wrong?" Kate asked. 

Olivia sighed deeply " A lot of things, we got married too young, then we wanted different things, after one particularly fight he decided to cheat on me and got Irina pregnant" she replied. 

" What an Idiot" Kate muttered. 

Olivia smiled at Kate " Do you want to know the most pathetic thing, that despite all  of that I still love him" she whispered.

" You should tell him" Kate said. 

Olivia shook her head too much had happened between them, she couldn't take another risk on him, not when she had to think about their baby, and what was best for him or her and right now it was not being back with Cristiano, she didn't trust him one little bit. 

"  He is with Irina know, and I am happy just being on my own for a while" Olivia smiled, as she closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. 


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