You Won't Stay Mad For Long

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Olivia ignored Cristiano as she walked towards his car, she was still furious she had to give everything up in New York so he could get his own way again. It had taken a few weeks to sort everything out, but she was still so angry at him, she refused to even talk to him, going through his mother when she wanted Cristiano to know something about the baby. 

" How long are you going keep this up for Olivia?" Cristiano asked. 

Olivia opened his car door and climbed in without saying a word, she knew she was being childish but she didn't care. She heard Cristiano climb in beside her. 

" You will have to talk to me eventually" he tried again. 

Olivia stared out of the window " Not if I can help it" she muttered. 

" You will love it here in Madrid" Cristiano smiled, as he put his sunglasses on before he drove them back to his house. 

It  was forty minutes of awkward Olivia could have done without and she was relieved when they finally arrived at Cristiano's home and now her prison. She immediately climbed out of the car and didn't bother to wait for Cristiano, he could bring in her bags because he so desperately wanted her here with him. 

" Olivia" Dolores smiled going to hug her but stopped when she saw the look on Olivia's face. 

Hugo stood behind his mother " Was your flight okay?" he asked. 

" The flight was okay, it was only the drive back here that was the problem" Olivia mumbled, as Cristiano walked into the house with her bags. 

Hugo laughed " Well at least you didn't kill each other on the way back" he said, earning a shut up look from Cristiano. 

" You must be hungry, why don't we get you something to eat" Dolores suggested. 

Olivia shook her head " I am a little tired, plus I ate on the plane" she lied, looking down at the ground. 

" Olivia you will eat first" Cristiano said, he knew she was lying about eating on the plane. 

Shaking her head Olivia followed Dolores into the kitchen " Always has to be such an a controlling ass" she muttered under her breath.

" I heard that " Cristiano yelled back at her. 

Olivia looked back at him " You were supposed to" she smiled coldly. 

" Okay why don't we leave trying to kill Cristiano with your eyes until later" Hugo joked, as he stepped in the middle of Olivia and Cristiano. 

Olivia sighed and walked away " Just keep him away from me" she  snapped at Hugo. 

Cristiano had enough of Olivia's attitude, he pushed past Hugo and grabbed Olivia's wrist " You are coming with me" he said, dragging her into the other room. 

Olivia glared at Cristiano " What do you want from me, I am here you got what you wanted" she yelled at him.

" You don't have to be rude at my family, you are angry at me I get that but don't take your anger out on them, its not fair" Cristiano replied. 

Olivia didn't want to admit it but Cristiano was right she was being unfair to his family " I am sorry I should not have taken my mood out on them, can I go now?" she asked, looking at the door. 

" I Hate this Olivia, I want things to be okay with us" Cristiano sighed as he leaned against the door to stop Olivia from Leaving. 

Olivia was tired and hungry and the last thing she wanted to be doing was making Cristiano feel better " Don't you have a girlfriend you need to check on?" she asked bitchily. 

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