Transfer Rumours (2009)

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Olivia was currently reading more transfer rumors concerning Cristiano, they had been writing all year how Cristiano desperately wanted a move to Madrid in the summer, he had said not one word to her about it, so she didn't know how true the rumors were. 

The last three years had passed rather quickly for the couple their relationship had only grown stronger, Cristiano even got over the 2006 world cup winkgate, He even got on better than ever with Rooney much to Olivia's dismay, she didn't like Wayne and probably never will. 

As Cristiano became more of a global superstar Olivia had focused on her studies, she was almost done with University, she had just received an offer from a medical school in New York it was one of the best around and she wanted to go, She was scared of telling Cristiano about the offer, as she knew how he would react. The last two years it had all been all about Cristiano's success, he won footballer of the year and then  won his first golden ball, she couldn't have been any more Proud of what he had achieved. 

Olivia loved Cristiano even more than she did three years ago before she married him, but she couldn't help but feel a little resentful that his football career seemed to come first, they rarely talked about hers, and that frustrated the hell out of her. 

" What are you reading?" Cristiano asked, as he walked into the kitchen.

Olivia looked up from the paper " Just some trashy paper" she replied, wondering why he hadn't told her about Madrid, they used to talk a lot but the last few months he had been busy with football and her with her course work that she realized that they had drifted a part a little and she didn't like it. 

" Anything Interesting?" Cristiano asked, a he fixed a drink from himself, when she didn't reply he looked over at her, he noticed the distracted look on her face, he had seen that look on her face a few times lately. 

Olivia looked at Cistiano " Apparently you want to move to Spain" she said, watching him closely for a reaction.

" Its just paper talk" Cristiano lied, he didn't know why he had just lied to Olivia, he just panicked, he knew things were a little off between them lately and didn't want to add to that. 

Olivia was unconvinced, she could always tell when Cristiano lied to her " Are you sure about that?" she asked. 

" Yes, I love Manchester I want to stay" he replied, not looking at Olivia, because she knew he was lying if she took one look at his face. 

Olivia closed the paper and pushed it across to Cristiano " Well that is great new as I don't want to move to Spain" she said, if she was truthful she want to go to New York, but knew if she did it would be the end of her marriage. She was reluctant to even think about the fact  that maybe  they had got married too young and that her mother hadn't been totally wrong in what she said those years ago at dinner. 

" You don't want to live in Spain?" Cristiano asked a little surprised, Olivia had always said where he was that was her home. 

Olivia shook herhead " Nope and if doesn't matter now you are not going right?" she smiled at Cristiano, as she picked up her phone to message Rebecca. 

Cristiano watched his wife, it was clear a distance was beginning to grow between them, they were not on the same page anymore, they wanted different things. He didn't know how to tell Olivia that at the end of the current season he was heading for the Spanish Capital. 


Olivia met Rebecca for a drink after class, she need to talk she was so torn over her the state of her marriage. 

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