Playing Games.

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Olivia ignored Cristiano as she flicked through the newspaper, she finally found what she was looking for and she was furious. The Pictures did look pretty bad, Irina was all over Cristiano and he looked like he was enjoying the attention going by the smirk on his face. 

" You look pretty comfortable with each other" she sneered at at Cristiano, refusing to even look at him. 

Cristiano shifted a little awkwardly he knew those pictures look bad but he hadn't done anything wrong " " Its not what it looks like, you know how the media loves to twists things" he replied. 

Olivia shook her head as she stared at the pictures " I do but in these pictures you seem to be loving the attention she is giving you" she fired back, furious that she had to see these pictures. 

" It wasn't like that at all, you said you would stand by me" Cristiano muttered, not liking the look of disgust that sat on Olivia's face. 

Olivia stood up she had to leave for class soon " That is before I saw these pictures" she replied, throwing the paper at him. " I need to get to class" she added.

" We need to to talk about this" Cristiano called after Olivia as she walked out the room to collect her bag and coat. 

Olivia glanced back at Cristiano " Later" she said, angry at him for getting himself into a situation when he really should know better by now. It was ridiculous. 

Cristiano went to go after Olivia but Dolores stopped him " Leave her alone Until she cools down, you will just end up fighting if you push her" she warned her son gently.

" I didn't do anything, this is stupid, she knows how much she means to me" Crisiano muttered, as he threw the offending paper into the bin. 

Dolores stared at Cristiano she could tell he was telling the truth " I believe you and I am sure deep down Olivia believes you too, she is just a little upset about those pictures and rightly so" Dolores replied. 

" I have to go to training now, I guess I will have to sort it out later with her" Cristiano sighed. 

Dolores smiled at Cristiano " Yes focus on training and trust me  Olivia will have calmed down by the time you come home" she said, hugging him before she headed out for the day. She knew what Cristiano could be like but believed him when he said nothing had happened, she just hoped that Olivia would calm down and not doing anything stupid and direct her anger at the person it should be directed at Irina. 


Olivia covered her face with her hood, and tried to ignore all the whispers and looks that were directed at her, it was especially hard when all the nasty comments started. They didn't know the truth they only believed what was written in that stupid trashy paper. Slowly making her way into class, she spotted Rebecca and quickly made her way over to her and sat down. Rebecca looked surprised to her she clearly thought that the recent scandal Olivia would have missed class today. 

" I didn't expect to see you today" Rebecca said quietly. 

Olivia pulled her notebook out of her bag " Why wouldn't I be in?" she asked. 

" Your boyfriend's cheating" Rebecca replied, as she gave Olivia a pity look. 

Olivia sighed deeply " Firstly I am here to learn and secondly he didn't cheat" Olivia mumbled, ignoring the look Rebecca was currently giving her. It was  making her more mad. She had enough of those looks today, she just wanted to scream loudly and get it out of her system. 

" He didn't cheat" Olivia said again.

Rebecca stared at Olivia she didn't peg her for being a doormat for Cristiano to  walk all over " The sun says he did" she replied.

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